Monday 23 November 2009

Shimon the Brazilian (and Mahmoud the Conqueror)


I am not sure how to explain this strange report from Al Jazeera’s Lucia Newman: the headline reads: ’Brazilians protest Ahmadinejad tour‘, yet the only person in the report shown protesting Ahmadinejad is Shimon Peres. On the other hand, the only Brazilian speaks about the benefits of relations with Iran, and the Brazilian president is said to be welcoming Ahmadinejad with ‘open arms’.

Peres, I hate to tell Al Jazeera, is not a Brazilian; even if he were, he would need to persuade at least one other before he can stage a ‘Brazilians protest’.

Also, the report goes on to tells us in ominous Cold War cliches that Ahmadinejad is challenging ‘Washington in its own back yard’. What’s with this ‘back yard’ nonsense; does being a journalist mean never having to say a thing that’s original?

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