Sunday 20 June 2010

400,000 Jewish-American families warned against visiting Turkey

[ 19/06/2010 - 05:09 PM ]

WASHINGTON, (PIC)— The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a defender of Israel in the United States, advised hundreds of thousands of Jewish families from America to refrain from visiting Turkey, in protest against its positions after Israel’s attack on the Freedom Flotilla.

The center said that it sent messages and appeals to more than four hundred thousand Jewish families urging them not to visit Turkey, except in cases of extreme necessity, noting that "for 500 years, Jews have found a safe haven in Turkey, but the unprecedented campaign of escalating rhetoric demonizing the people of Israel emanating from official circles and elements of the media has created an unprecedented poisonous environment which has spread fear among Turkish Jews.”

The center, a major Jewish organization which has several offices in the United States and Occupied Jerusalem, alleged, "This atmosphere also raises real concern about the safety of Jewish Turks, and on the safety of any Jew visiting that country.”

According to the center, this warning is valid for three months, during which the Turkish media and official positions will be monitored. A new decision will be made thereafter.

AIPAC, the largest Zionist lobby in America, issued press releases denouncing the Turkish position, calling it a position in support of the "terrorist organization Hamas."

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