Tuesday 1 February 2011

EGYPT: This time the enemy is from within.

seek million-strong march to oust Mubarak
By Aadel M. Al-Mahdy
Jan. 31, 2011 ate 6:58 pm

In my mind, when I was a kid, the mere mentioning of the word “India” would evoke mental images of adventures and paradox, and the mere mentioning of the word “China” would evoke mental images of wise people.

And then I grew up to find out that every country has its own share

Egypt for example had trouble weeks ago when there were tension between Christians and Muslims after the attack on Al-Qiddiseen Church in Alexandria.  I was very upset because Egyptians have already had their share of misery under the corrupt regime of Hosni Mubarak and needed not to add more to their plates which are already full to the brim.

But the slumbering giant awoke throwing off the yoke of slavery and shaking off the shackles of suppression, asking the corrupt president to step down along with his rotten cabinet. 

People gathered in thousands in the street senchanting their demands; Muslims and Christians and otherwise. Differences had no meaning any more. All united against one enemy. But this time the enemy is from within.

Egyptian revolution flag

In 1919, Saad Zaghloul lead the people in a revolution against the British tyranny. They demonstrated in the street enchanting their demands; also Christians, Muslims and otherwise; one nation, one land, one hand.

are all Egyptians.
Long live Egypt

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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