
Wednesday 24 September 2008

Iraqi "Sahwa" VS The Harkis in Algeria

Banned by webmaster. Your comments will not be added
The webmaster is the Palestinian thug at Palestinan Blog, know as Tony, called "Mulla Tony" until his awakening and joining the Zionist campain led by "Sahwa anwar and the Nephew"
and the banned is Me: Uprooted Palestinian

The best comment I recently read is:

Layla Anwar and Secular Arab, why don't you get married and produce a little Saddam ?
brainwave 09.24.08 - 5:39 am #

The Pa.. Thug shall bless the marraige of 10$ Layla and the wolf (ليلى و الذئب, ), little red riding hood
and Lucky little Saddam shall get his USA Passport next day (BY BIRTH)

Iraqi "Sahwa" VS The Harkis in Algeria
Thanks to Fatima for pointing out the analogy between the Harkis in Algeria and the so-called Awakening Councils in Iraq.
Learning From Past Struggles: The Harkis in Algeria
# posted by Tony : 6:16 AM

The analogy between the Harkis and the Sahwa is a totally ridiculous comparison and derives from a complete lack of understanding of the specific conditions of the Iraqi occupation versus the Algerian occupation.

Let's backtrack as most of the people here have a conveniently short memory.

At the beginning of the occupation there was a Resistance (R)movement and it is still there.
The R was infiltrated by Al Qaeda(AQ), and some Iranian backed elements called such as the Mahdi and the Badr brigades. It is called in political jargon - the seeds of counterinsurgency.

Throughout the past two years, the R has been fighting AQ within its ranks because AQ has been sabotaging the work of the R with these counter insurgency tactics. The AQ has been armed by both the Americans and the Iranians. that is a FACT that no amount of your wishy washy analysis will eradicate...

The R found itself fighting and resisting against the following elements.

1) American Occupation forces
2) Iranian intelligence forces
3) Shiite militias (mahdi, badr, ministry of interior, dawa, chalabi militias)
4) peshemergas of Barazani and Talabani - typical example Fallujah.
5) mercernaries, snipers and death contractors working outside the realm of the US forces including Blackwater. the above groupings are called the dirty gang.
6) the mossad intelligence
7) Al Qaeda.

The reader should also bear in mind that the sunni population in Iraq has no protection whatsoever from a govt backs militia. That is another fact.

The reader should also remember that these people have not had jobs, incomes, revenues for over 5 years...

Now to compare all the above to the Harkis is total stupidity in my opinion.

I do not believe that the Sahwa council has been coopted on a long term basis by the Americans. I believe that weighing the several forces that the Resistance has to fight, it made that choice.

After all, the Mahdi thugs and the Nasrallah thugs do play the political and military game they involve themselves in the political process whilst at the same time are armed and ready to fight (the sunnis of course)...that did not seem to cause much "political ethical" problems to you guys....

Layla Anwar 03.22.08 - 8:46 am #

From "Us Guys" to Layla Anwar,

I do not know who you are referring to when you say, "that did not seem to cause much "political ethical" problems to you guys...."

I think that, in spite of my capacity as Mullah Tony, I have been critical of ALL Iraqis engaged in ethnic and sectarian division and slaughter. I have ridiculed and skewered the thug Muqtada Sadr on numerous occasions. I have exposed the terrorizing and slaughter of Palestinians and Iraqis by the Mahdi death squads. I have criticized Hizbullah for not taking a clear position on the Iraqi resistance. I have written and said this and more.

The key point here is that the Americans have managed (quite successfully in my opinion) in tearing Iraqi society apart and in drastically reducing the Iraqi resistance. The casualty figures tell the story. In essence, by marshaling all the forces that you listed against the resistance, the occupation has forced some in the resistance to depend on the occupation and to stop the resistance.

Just as in the Iraq-Iran war, the US will use all sides to keep slaughtering each other. That will stop only when some wise leaders from all communities rise above all the created divisions and stare the disaster in the face. Living in the past and praising Saddam or comparing Shiites with Jews and Iran with Israel is not helpful. The Iraqis are in this together. You can't lump all Shiites together and say that they are Iranian agents. The role of an enlightened resistance is to be representative of all Iraqis and to fight only the occupation and its agents.

The lesson of the Harkis is that a large number of Algerians were willing to be collaborators and fight with the French against their people. Today this applies to Iraq with Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis (Sahwa) doing the same with the American occupation.

Tony Sayegh Homepage 03.22.08 - 9:32 am #

Mullah Tony,Again your extrapolations from the Algerian experience to Iraq is historically and politically misconducive.I stand by what I said.Iran since Khomeini has played a VERY detrimental role in coopting shii'sim into a CULT like political ideology, deeply sectarian and deeply divisive.Nasrallah, Mahdi, Hakeem and the rest of the barking dogs, are a prime example of that.Hizballah has not only failed to condemn the ethnic cleansing of palestinians in Iraq, it has trained the militias who did the ethnic cleansing. Your deliberate refusal to face these facts because of some attachement to a romantic "resistance" ideal is doing you disservice and this is not the first time I have said that.The shiites in Iraq can be grosso modo divided into the following categories.- the seculars who for the most part left the country.-those who are anti -US but still want a shiite theocracy Iranian style-those who are anti-Iran but still want a theocracy Iraqi -shiite style-those who are anti -US and anti -Iran and represent only a minute tiny part of the actual Resistance.Re-read what I said about Khomeniism and the coopting of the shias into a cultist sectarian mentality and the above categorization will make sense to you and the reader.
Layla Anwar 03.22.08 - 10:58 am #

Layla Anwar,But the situation should not remain static and frozen in time. Why is it that the Shiites who are willing to fight the occupation are a, "minute tiny part" as you put it? Isn't it the role of the resistance to expand its reach and become more comprehensive? Where is Iraqi nationalism? Why does Iraqi nationalism not compete with the Iranian influence? I suspect that part of the reason is that the resistance has clung to the past and the memory of Saddam; those days are gone. You can't have an all inclusive, anti-occupation and nationalist resistance by living in the past and repeating Baath rhetoric. The majority of Shiites will not respond to that. You need to respond to their basic needs and their self-interest. Only then will you be able to undermine Iran's influence.Resurrect Iraqi nationalism or lose Iraq as a country
Tony Sayegh Homepage 03.22.08 - 11:20 am #

Mullah,I don't believe that the Resistance has excluded shiites, and in the case of Iraq, only a secular resistance encompassing all sects and ethnicities can be effective.Unless of course you are requesting some crash course in head slicing and self flagellation so the Resistance can fall into your American political correct line....
Layla Anwar 03.22.08 - 12:07 pm #


Here is the problem; you said, "only a secular resistance encompassing all sects and ethnicities can be effective."

So, ahead of time you are stipulating your conditions. This is the key problem explaining why the resistance has not expanded.

What if a large portion of the Shiites wants to fight the occupation out of both a nationalistic and a religious motive? Similar to the case of Hizbullah in Lebanon. You are telling them not to bother and to turn to Iran instead. Is this smart, when the Shiites constitute about half of the population?

What is wrong with an umbrella-type national liberation front? United for the purpose of driving out the occupation, this front can include Baathists and other secular forces as well as religious Shiite groups as long as they agree to a common program of only fighting the occupation and its instruments.

This is similar to what is happening in Palestine. While I prefer secularism, I can't ignore the support that Islamic forces (particularly Hamas) enjoy. They are the ones leading the fight now. So, what do I do? I wait until the secular and leftist forces get their act together, if ever? Of course not! At this stage those leading the struggle get the support and the tent should be large enough to include all forces. This, in my opinion, is the way out for Iraq. Form a wide-ranging national liberation front and stop living in the past.

Tony Sayegh Homepage 03.22.08 - 12:56 pm #

We lived in Baghdad in the mid 70s. It was the prime years of Iraq, it was nice, beautiful ,prosperous. Our neighbors on one side were Shia on the other were Sunni. There was no sectarian tensions that we felt, however our shia neighbors would call our Sunni neighbor's son "3allawe" although his name was Omar. When my mom asked why do you call him that and not Omar , they told her "we don't like to pronounce the word 'omar' !!"
The shia neighbors were secular , baathist and proud Iraqi nationalist.

I think to blame the current sectarianism and strife between the sunni and shia on Khomeinism and Iran is an over simplification of the general "monitory" problem that we have in the Arab world. Minorities in the arab world feel disenfranchised and discriminated against !! From Rums in Syria to the Druze of Lebanon to the Copts in Egypt to the Berber in Algeria .....etc We have never been able to truly integrate the minorities and celebrate our ethnic and cultural and religious diversity as a people. when we ended up having was secular totalitarian regimes trying to integrate by force and colonial forces telling those minorities that they are different and WILL never be accepted as equals in the arab world.

I think we are dealing with the minority problem like the white man deals with Racism ,we pretend that it does not exist.

Zarathustra 03.22.08 - 1:40 pm #


I agree with your comment: our ethnic, cultural and religious diversity should be a source of strength and something to be celebrated. Given the great mosaic we have, this is the only way forward.

Tony Sayegh Homepage 03.22.08 - 2:04 pm #

Mullah and Zarathustra,

Iraq WAS a mosaic, even during the 80's and 90's and despite the Iran war and despite the sanctions.
Tony , you are doing some hair splitting. secular does not mean exclusive, or no religious figures, secular means nationalists, and it does mean an umbrella, you are just nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking.

and by the way the majority of Iraqis today "yetrahamoon a3la Saddam Hussein"

Layla Anwar 03.22.08 - 2:08 pm #


Zarathustra, you just proved my point that Shias carried all the seeds for sectarianism, one would have to go back 1500 years to find out the real causes, and one would have thought with 1500 years they would have gotten over a Hussein grievance...

Iran's khomeinism capitalized on that historic grievance, and turned it into a political banner and a political ideology....NO ONE CAN DENY THAT. And the shias obliged...

I refuse ALL ARGUMENTS as proned by Tony and Co, that Iraq was a sectarian state, this is an AMERICAN/ IRANIAN propaganda fallacy on which was built ONE of the excuses to invade Iraq.

Sadly the so called "liberals" from Yankeville and that includes a very big part of Arab Americans, they seem to regurgiate that senselessly...

A terrible shame and a NAKBAH. But then that is expected from Arab Americans.
Layla Anwar 03.22.08 - 2:14 pm #

Layla,You are so quick to generalize and so quick to attack! I never said that, "Iraq was a sectarian state."I have always made it clear that current sectarianism is a direct result of the occupation with help from Iran.My main concern is how to combat this sectarianism and how to unify as many of the Iraqi forces as possible to fight the occupation.It is very clear that the US is simultaneously supporting, not just two of the forces, but all three: It has created Al-Qa'ida and continues to support it; it has created and continues to support the Shiite death squads and now it supports the Sahwa Sunni forces! Unbelievable! It is nothing but a perpetual death machine. When are all Iraqis going to wise up to this?
Tony Sayegh Homepage 03.22.08 - 2:37 pm #

How is it possible that I find myself in agreement with BOTH Layla Anwar and Tony (Sorry Tony, but "Mullah Tony is funny) ? Tony, I find myself in agreement with much of what you said with one small exeption which is where I think you fall into a trap. You say we should not "praise" al-Rais al-shaheed Saddam Hussein, and look to the future and try to find a common Iraqi nationalism and unified resistance. I agree.BUT, By praising al-rais al-shaheed we are actually calling for what you are calling for, a secular, progressive, anti-sectarian, Iraqi nationalism. We can't repudiate this past, and we should not do so. Saddam Hussein was opposed by the Shia religious gangsters, like Al-Dawa, and the Hakim clique precisely because he was non-sectarian, and secular. The forces that opposed Saddam opposed not becuase he was a "dictator", but because he was an Iraqi and Arab nationalist. They rejected him because he was a secular progressive. The biggest lie concerning Iraq was that Saddam Hussein was a dictator who was opposed by the democratic forces of the Shia and Kurds. That's bullshit! They rejected Saddam Hussein because HE STOOD OPPOSED TO ALL THAT WE SEE TODAY IN IRAQ. He was opposed to Khomeinism, Shia sectarianism, Iran, and the rule of Mullahs. So we can't reject this past, and we have to hold on to it, and make sure it is our future. The Baath party is not done in Iraq, and I believe it is the only force that can unite all Iraqis. I agree with your call for an "umbrella" group or united front, and I'm sure the Baath would agree to join forces with all Iraqi patriotic forces, but joining forces with the puppets of Iran and the sectarian gangsters is not possible. They are not even interested in it. Why should the Baath extend its hand to those who's hands are extended to Persia and hate anything Arab. Forget Arab, they are not even Iraqis. Not even Muslims which is why we can't even have an Islamic united resistance. They are SHIA SECT first, and nothing second. Also, one last point which I think is related to much of this. Saddam Hussein was not as dictatorial as the image that has been created by the Shia gangsters allied with Iran and CNN. Layla Anwar is right about that. He was not a sectarian. That is a lie. Also, his "oppression" of Iraqis is greatly exagerated. I lived in Iraq for a while and know many Iraqis. They all tell me, and I saw with my own eyes that Iraqis were living freely with dignity and security. Saddam was ruthless with the ORGANIZED POLITICAL OPPOSITION. That's true. But for the vast majority of Iraqis who just wanted to live their lives, work, go to school, get an education, get health care, enjoy life, raise their families, Saddam Hussein's Iraq was wonderful. As for the organized political opposition which he did go after with an Iron fist: They are the ones we see today in the green zone. Many of us knew what Hakim, Sadr, Sistani, Barazani, Talabani, and tharabadvocate and the Iranian intelligence was up to back in the 80s. Now the entire Arab world knows. I only wish Saddam Hussein was even harsher with them. So we cannot repudiate the past. On the contrary, I salute Saddam Hussein, The Baath, and the modern, progressive, secular, independent, succesful society they created. It's an example for all Arabs. And when the regime fell, the Khomeiniests who called Saddam Hussein "america's stooge" rode into Baghdad on the back of an American tank with the blessing of the Persian Mullahs in Tehran while Saddam and the Baath transformed themselves into the Iraqi national resistance and lead the fight against the "great satan". At the same time they remain in the green zone, and Ahmadinajad came to visit them and slept under a blanket of security provided by the great satan's US Marine corp. We should not repudiate the past. We must return to it.

arabadvocate Homepage 03.22.08 - 5:08 pm #

The difficulty is to try and teach the multitude that something can be true and untrue at the same time.--Schopenhaueralso Layla a statement like this"Zarathustra, you just proved my point that Shias carried all the seeds for sectarianism, " is sectarian in itself. I don't want to use sectarianism in discourse to discredit sectarianism. By falling into that trap (no matter how accurate or true your statement is) no one wins.I think sectarianism existed in all arab countries and the Colonizers just cultivated and made it grow. To say that a society is not sectarian in the arab world , is like the white man saying there is no racism in America.When I grew up in Algeria I had a non sounding Arab name , which all the kids made fun off and accused me of being a Christian although my dad is named after the prophet. I would come home and cry thinking that by them calling me a Christian was a huge insult , only to have my parents tell me to ignore those ignorant kids.

Zarathustra 03.22.08 - 6:01 pm #


The answer to these problems is Arab Nationalism. Also, the issues of sectarianism should not be blown out of proportion. The Arab Islamic empire during the Umayyad and Abbasid periods was the first multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, pluralistic society in the world.

Modernly, sectarianism has thrived only when small, fringe groups, opposed to Arab Nationalism allied themselves with foreign occupiers. The Maronites of Mt.Lebanon who conpsired with French colonialism to amputate Syria and create a Christian, dominated "state" allied with French Colonialism, or currently the Shia sectarian criminals, allied with Iran who want to break Iraqi apart and attach the South to a new Persian empire.

This is when the problems arise. In Iraq sectarianism was NEVER an issue, and everyone lived equally including Christians, Shia, or anyone else. The Kurdish issue is one of national identity and its a totally different discussion. Saddam Hussein and the Baath were the only ones to address this fairly.

In Syria, sectarianism is not an issue at all. Muslims, Christians, Druze all live together as one Syrian Arab people. In Palestine, Muslims and Christians are all part of one Palestinian Arab people. In Jordan, Christians and Muslims are part of one Arab people.

In Egypt, its true that our Coptic brothers feel discriminated against, but that can be resolved in the context of a national Egyptian struggle for democracy rule of law and human rights for everyone.

Let's not exagerate the differences.
arabadvocate Homepage 03.22.08 - 6:24 pm #

"The analogy between the Harkis and the Sahwa is a totally comparison and derives from a complete lack of understanding of the specific conditions of the Iraqi occupation versus the Algerian occupation."

"Magida" Layla,

At the outset, only a Whore "plolitically" may dare call Hizballah heros , Nasrallah "thugs" or compare them with Iraqi mahdi army.

Fatima is aware of the differences, between Shawah an Harahis. She ment by Harakis people who collaborate with the occupier, despite of their history. Your "R", after SHAWA (WAKEING-UP)discovered that they were on the wrong trench, and decided to move the opposite trench, the (S) trench. PUT U before the (S)
We say in Arabi: If you beware your enemy once, you should beware yoy friend thousand times.

So "Magida", you and your "Shawa" are much worse and more dangerous than algerian Harakis.

Palestinian (Fath), and lebanese "Shawas" such as Jumblat, new left, Future Sunna are more dangerous than those whose who from the beginning decided to collaborate with the Occupier, such as Rawabit Alqura, Lahd and gagaa.

So, "magida" the rediculous is not Fatima's analogy Harkis and the Sahwa, it justifying treason.

Reading you treason's justication, I remembered Tawfeek Alhakim, who wrote "Awdat Al-rouh", for NASIR, and his "Shahwa", "Awdat al-waay" he wrote for Sadat. I remembered Siniora and refusing to do Ban Arab blood test, because once upon a time, he Joined a Ban arab demonstration.

Reminding us that "Shahwa" fought against the 7 elements you mentioned, is an excuse worse that guilt.

Out of the 7 ememies you mentioned, your Harkis selected to colaborate with the real enemy, and they dared to call treason "Sahwa".

The Name "Shawah", if you know Arabic means, resisting the occupation was wrong, the "real" enemy is Iran, shiites, Quaeda, not USRAEL.

Palestinian "Harkis-Sahwa" did the same, in 1982, they shouted "YA WAHDANA" and turned their back to syria, headed to Tunis, on the long way to Oslo and ended fighting their own people.

"The reader should also remember that these people have not had jobs, incomes, revenues for over 5 years..."

Another ridiculous justification for treason. it is more or less the excuse Lebanese sunni "Sahwa" used to justfy treason Badna Neésh (we want to live)

Uprooted palestinian 03.22.08 - 6:50 pm #

"Mullah" Tony hit the nail on saying:

"You can't have an all inclusive, anti-occupation and nationalist resistance by living in the past and repeating Baath rhetoric. The majority of Shiites will not respond to that. You need to respond to their basic needs and their self-interest."

If you don't, agree with "Mulla" Tony, prepare your self to Join Vietnam Harakis, who moved to US, or those still waiting, since decades, in concentration camps for a USA visa


Uprooted palestinian

As usual I have no idea what uprooted.. has to say. I simply don't understand him and can't follow any chain of thought if he has one. All I can tell is that he did not understand what Layla Anwar said, opposes the Baath and Saddam Hussein, is ignorant of both, and thinks his blather amounts to some sort of mocking of them.
The Arab Advocate Homepage 03.22.08 - 8:17 pm #

Up - roo- ted

Ok, ok, am a whore because I believe that Hezballah is an arm to Iran and that Iran is ADAMANT about taking Lebanon OUT of the Arab Equation just like it took Iraq OUT of the ARAB EQUATION and just like it will take HAMAS out of the Arab equation...

So am a whore for that - so be it, am proud of it.

Layla Anwar 03.22.08 - 9:16 pm #

I will take you seriously if you have the balls to go into a sadr or hakim stronghold in Iraq somewhere, tell them you are Palestinian, and return to us in one piece. You are very ignorant and sound like somene who has never been to Iraq and has no idea what he's talking about.

Go try to do what I told you. Come back and tell us about it if you survive. But don't cry out for the Baathists, Arabs Nationalists to save you.
The Arab Advocate Homepage 03.22.08 - 11:18 pm #

"Ok, ok, am a whore because I believe that Hezballah is an arm to Iran and that Iran is ADAMANT about taking Lebanon OUT of the Arab Equation just like it took Iraq OUT of the ARAB EQUATION and just like it will take HAMAS out of the Arab equation..."

Treason Advocate,"Magida", "Sahiya"

I repeat "only a political whore may dare call Hizballah heros , Nasrallah "thugs" or compare them with Iraqi mahdi army."

What Arab Equation you are refering to??
Hamas already left that TREASON EQUATION.

The only Arab equation I could see is a whore house called Moderate's equation, the equation of treason,the Usarel equation.

"Thanks", to "Arab Nationalism" who "defended" the eastern Gate for 8 years, and openned all the Arabs Gates for Usrael, and Iran (to make you happy)

And, thanks to Iran arms (Palestinian,Lebanese and Syrian) defending the heart of the Arabic world.

So be a whore - so be it and be proud of it.

Uprooted Palestinian 03.23.08 - 2:20 am #

Uprooted,and this whore says to you -- kiss emm ellee a3lamak al siyasseh.
I wonder which a3rss it was and from which gutter he emerged...Magida taj rassak ya hayawan.
Layla Anwar 03.23.08 - 2:38 am #

"if you have the balls to go into a sadr or hakim stronghold in Iraq somewhere, tell them you are Palestinian, and return to us in one piece....Go try to do what I told you. Come back and tell us about it if you survive"

I know what I am talking about,I am talking about Hizbullah, the pain in your ass, not about Sadr, nor about Hakim. I taked about the Hakim of Egypt, (have you heard about him?) not the Hakim of Iraq

In putting your words on my mouth you proved that your are a real whore, So join the whore club.

"But don't cry out for the Baathists, Arabs Nationalists to save you"

Let them save their own asses, especially after their "Sahwa"


"As usual I have no idea what uprooted.. has to say. I simply don't understand him and can't follow any chain of thought if he has one"

This is exactly what a loser, or a stupid would say.

"All I can tell is that he did not understand what Layla Anwar said,.."

I don't care about what you/she said or may says, as long as you Advocate treason.

However, to understand my chain of thought, you need read history, then you may, I say you may understand the chain linking, the Sahwa of Egypt Hakim, the Sahwa of Jumblat, the Sahwa of Oslo, Siniora blood test, and the new Iraqi "sahwa"
In between you add the "Sahwa" of of Sadat, Quadafi.

For me, Such kind of Sahwas is Ghaflah,

Looking around the real Sahwas I could see in the arab world are:
1- the sahwa of lebenese christian led by General Oun, The "Christian Arm of Syria and Iran"
2- The sahwa of Lebanese Sunnis Lead by Yakan
3- and hopefully the Sahwah of Fath triggered by the Palestian blood shed in Ghaza
Uprooted Palestinian 03.23.08 - 2:45 am #

eh rooh ya uprooted, shaklak wahad manyak....
Layla Anwar 03.23.08 - 3:00 am #

Layla Anwar,

I simply don't understand him at all. I can tell he does not like Saddam and the Baath and I can also tell he is very ignorant of Iraq. But other than that, I just don't understand him. What is he trying to say?
The Arab Advocate Homepage 03.23.08 - 4:01 am #

"eh rooh ya uprooted, shaklak wahad manyak...."

"and this whore says to you -- kiss emm ellee a3lamak al siyasseh.
I wonder which a3rss it was and from which gutter he emerged...
Magida taj rassak ya hayawan."

Above I called you a political Whore, Now I would tell you,

Uprooted palestinian 03.23.08 - 7:09 am #


"What is he trying to say?"

Ya Hmar, I stood against stupid Saddam and the his Baath while they were defending the eastern Gate,

I supported him during the long sunction years seige and the invasion
Iloved him when decided to stay in Iraq and die as a Man..


When I get insulted, I will respond...
I was polite to this guy but this guy only understands one language - his own.
When you have haloscan and no moderation, and since one cannot possibly control every single reader' mind and tongue-- it is expected that things will degenerate as you call it everynow and then.
Layla Anwar 03.23.08 - 12:28 pm #

Arab Advocate,

I think he's just a bad case of verbal diarrhea.
Layla Anwar 03.23.08 - 12:28 pm #

Channel 4 uncovers how thousands of Iraqis employed at $10 a day are threatening to go on strike because they say they have been used by the 'Americans to do their DIRTY work' and haven't been PAID."

"Sahwa" Anwar,
How much you are getting per layla?

Uprooted palestinian 03.23.08 - 2:48 pm #

This War Criminal (the one on the left) is Honored Only in Saudi Arabia.....What Does That Make King Abdullah?

# posted by Tony : 4:59 AM

Why is criminal Cheney Being Honored by the Custodians of the Haramein(whatever that means nowadays ) SIckos !!fatima 03.22.08 - 8:12 pm #

Why has criminal cheney been honored by A.Al Hakeem from Iran in Baghdad's occupied Green Zone. I thought the shiites mullahs from Qum were anti great satan, are they not ????Enough fatima 03.22.08 - 8:12 pm #

"Why has criminal cheney been honored by A.Al Hakeem from Iran in Baghdad's occupied Green Zone."Because, Hakeem, like the Custodians of the Haramein is a Whore YA MAGIDA, I MEAN YA Sharmuta, .

Uprooted palestinian 03.23.08 - 7:20 am #

"I thought the shiites mullahs from Qum were anti great satan,"Like Sheakhs from Azhar, and UM AL-Qura, not all Mullas are anti great Sattan,KUSs, mesh kiss, Ukht el allmek essiyasi

Uprooted palestinian 03.23.08 - 7:30 am #

The Whore was mad at "Mullah" Tony, when he wrote: Don't JUST blame the American.
Now, the same Whore is mad at Fatima, for blaming the Sunni "Custodians of the Haramein"
Why Blame his majesty, Hakim did it. Besides, his majesty is honoring Cheney defending the Eastern Gate of Great Usrael.

Meanwhile, "Sahwa" screwed by their new employer, is considering striking to get their Salaries, the real (R) started the day "with a barrage of mortar fire against the Baghdad Green Zone, the seat of the Iraqi government and the US occupation embassy. Two waves of mortar rounds struck the area, causing no casualties but sending panicked US embassy staff scurrying into bunkers, officials and witnesses said.

An employee in the Green Zone, Mohammed al-Dulaimi, who witnessed the second attack, said eight mortar rounds fell near the US occupation embassy complex and two a little distance away in a residential area. "They caused slight damage and one sparked a fire," Dulaimi said.

An embassy employee, who would not be named, said staff dashed for the embassy's bunker after both attacks. "The first attack woke us up and people went rushing to the bunker. It was very frightening. The blasts were very close. Some people were in the showers and arrived with towels around them," she said. "This was the worst attack since last summer, when some buildings in the embassy compound were hit by mortars."
Uprooted Palestinian 03.23.08 - 1:17 pm #


  1. My gut tells me, (my visceral reaction to) this exchange between Uprooted and Tony and Layla is this: Uprooted, you are a country boy from northern Palestine. Your education is good but not excellent, as Tony and Layla's is.(they are urban elites with the type of education that only city dwellers obtain)
    I can only judge the generalities of the fight. I am ignorant of the specific histories throughout the Arab/Muslin world being discussed.
    Uprooted, they are elites and are jealous of your natural abilities(wisdom) they use their elite educations(knowledge) as a weapon against your wisdom.
    Wisdom comes from the heart , knowledge is purely cerebral from the devious brain/mind.
    Follow your heart uprooted it will always serve you well. Do not allow the educated elites from the great devious greedy cities to discourage you.

  2. ahram here's is a good rationalisation for what has happened to you and Layla and Co.'s_Razor

    Occam's razor (sometimes spelled Ockham's razor) is a principle attributed to the 14th-century English logician and Franciscan friar, William of Ockham. The principle states that the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating those that make no difference in the observable predictions of the explanatory hypothesis or theory. The principle is often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae ("law of parsimony" or "law of succinctness"): "entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem", roughly translated as "entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity". An alternative version "Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate" translates "plurality should not be posited without necessity". [1]

    This is often paraphrased as "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best." In other words, when multiple competing theories are equal in other respects, the principle recommends selecting the theory that introduces the fewest assumptions and postulates the fewest entities. It is in this sense that Occam's razor is usually understood.

    Originally a tenet of the reductionist philosophy of nominalism, it is more often taken today as an heuristic maxim (rule of thumb) that advises economy, parsimony, or simplicity, often or especially in scientific theories.

  3. Welcome Ritalin,
    Yes, I am born in Jallili, and yoy have known me in SIME under another name.
    Welcome again

  4. "Your education is good but not excellent, as Tony and Layla's is.(they are urban elites with the type of education that only city dwellers obtain)"

    I would say their English is much much better

  5. lol ahram/uprooted Palestinian
    I would say Layla's English is better then mine!!
    Her education is the best!!!

  6. After sucking Sahwah dry, Usrael death squads are active in killing Shahwa leader, and putting the blame on Shae. Its time to devide Sahwa.

    Iraq Facing New Civil War, Insurgency

    Robert DreyfussWhat does the start of a new civil war in Iraq look like? It looks a lot like this: The Times reports today matter-of-factly on the pattern of assassinations of Sunni members of the Sons of Iraq militia by Shiite death squads: American military leaders disagree among themselves about whether the assassinations are increasing or whether some of the killings are merely criminal acts. But they are "watching the numbers closely," said a military official who attends briefings on attacks.

    Yesterday I wrote a lengthy piece for The Nation about the likehihood of a new civil war and a new Sunni resistance movement stemming from the sectarian Shiite government's refusal to make a political deal with Iraq's Sunnis. The American military may indeed be "watching the numbers" of murdered Sunnis "closely," but there's not much that they intend to do about it...

