
Tuesday 23 September 2008

Only 15% of Jews are "Semitic"

Every time someone criticises the Apartheid State Zionists wail it's "anti-semitic" Frankly I don't care about this, as we say here in the UK "it's like water off a duck's back" because dumb remarks certainly aren't going to stop my support for the Palestinians and that would be in any way I can and that will continue until Palestine is cleansed. This stupid term "anti-semitic" has been used so often to try and avoid criticism of the Apartheid State it no longer has any value.

In fact it appears that in reality it doesn't even have any meaning. The Palestinians themselves are more "semitic" than the evil imposters who now temporarily occupy most of the State of Palestine.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently this video has already been censored by YouTube.
