
Friday 3 October 2008

In the Quiet Between the Lightning and the Thunder.


(rich vs.poor here too)

Thursday, October 2

Contibuted by ritalin

Thursday, October 2
In the Quiet Between the Lightning and the Thunder.

We’re in the coiling moments before the strike… the windup. It’s a different kind of windup than the one that’s been practiced on us for so long. I like to stay away from spooky predictions at this blog. I sense and feel a lot of things that I don’t mention but today I want to mention them because I’m getting some strange sensations about next week and the rest of the year. There’s too many weird things happening; half a million coffins in Georgia… those FEMA camps… those thousands of soldiers ready to be deployed in defiance of Posse Comitatus which got neutered for just such a purpose… and there are other things …but first… first I want to say a little more about ‘the bailout’.

You are where you are today because of the policies of President Shit-Gollum and his puppet-masters. If I am not mistaken, the last time there was a bailout the same idea that the banks would then be able to loan out the money was also the intended result. If I remember correctly, they sat on the money instead. It’s also curious to note that the tax breaks that President Shit-for-Brains gave the rich adds up to close to the money they’re talking about here. I’d also like to mention that the now, eight hundred billion they want to steal from the American people, isn’t going to solve the problem because we actually have trillions in bad debt and… there’s the question of the price that will be paid for the bad paper and… to what extent will the value be inflated over what it is actually worth? Don’t kid yourself about that.

What the public should do is storm Congress and drag these miscreants out into the street and strip them naked… roll them in pig shit, or their own, same difference and whip them down Constitution Avenue and across Key Bridge. What the public should do is automatically vote out every one of the criminals who vote for the bailout. The only platform any opponent needs is to say, “He/she voted for this.”

The bailout is going to have about the same impact on the fortunes of the American people as the rescue efforts had on the people in Louisiana after Katrina. Until you remove the people responsible for the problems you cannot expect, unless you are a moron, that they will fix the problem. They ARE the problem. Well, you’ll see. You’ll see where you are after they give your money away to the people whose business is based on stealing it from you in the first place.

I’m going to go on record here and say that this isn’t going to work and I doubt that that is the intention anyway. You’re not dealing with human beings here. You are dealing with swine. They’ve abdicated their humanity in favor of certain animal characteristics that satisfy the lower nature. They are not human beings. Human beings don’t behave like this. For whatever the reason, there are a lot of them about in these times.

I don’t know what the penalties are likely to be but I suggest that everyone within a few hundred miles of New York City travels to the nearest farm and buys as much pig shit or cow shit or whatever you can find and drive on over to Wall Street and start throwing it at the traders and stockbrokers and lawyers… anybody in a suit. Throw it at the doors of The Exchange and all of the firms and offices in the area. It will be worth it. The memory alone will carry you for decades. Animal blood… heads… body parts… be creative. I’d say more about this bailout but plenty of people are …and you can go and read what they have to say if you want to hear more about it.

This time we are in is the quiet between the act and the aftermath. When you see lightning, it is said that every second you can count before the thunder is heard is a determinant of how far away the lightning was. Something impressively big and ugly is on the way. It’s in the mail. It’s traveling to its destination. The plans have left the draftsman’s table and the foundry is in operation. Soon, the product will appear. It’s some kind of 9/11 and it’s on the way. The Iranian stooges have come off the assembly line at Tavistock. The trails are being laid and the evidence is being planted. The Bin Laden Boogeyman night light is in the socket. Soon we’ll be able to watch our fearless leaders sweat gravitas all over the television set. News-casting Ken and Barbie dolls wearing six kinds of deodorant are going to get their chance to talk like they were announcing a tense golf tournament. It will be all awe and whispers that grow into outrage and violence carried out by the people who actually carried out the attack.

If you’ve been traveling around the internet in the last few months you’ve come across a whole lot of suspicious activity. If you’ve watched the legislations of the last eight years you’ve seen what looks like a deliberate plan to put as much power as possible into the hands of the people most likely to abuse it. We’ve had bad presidents before who have changed the country in ways that have reduced the quality of life for everyone but those who use the public as a food source. Ronald ‘McDonald’ Reagan comes to mind. He’s proof positive that a lot of people are a great deal more stupid than one might think possible. But there’s never been anything like what you have now. These people assisted in an attack on their own country. Along with agents of certain foreign governments, especially Israel, these people committed treason and murder many times over and just want to do it some more.

If you haven’t seen the various preparations taking place then you’ve been asleep. If you think they won’t do it again… or worse… you are a fool. There’s a lot of talk about October 7th and there are indications from many sources that the following months are going to be very freaky and dark. I can tell you that without needing to consult arcane modalities or metaphysical agencies. All indicators are pointing in that direction. Look at the tension and uncertainty on all sides. Listen to the threats based on manufactured intelligence and outright lies. Look at the hypnotic state of the lumpen proles. Look at the vacuous superficiality that oozes like malignant treacle from print and electronic media. Take a look around. Open your eyes. Remove the earphones. See if it is possible for you to stop your mind from looping the jingles in your head and take a good look.

I have no way of knowing about particular dates but I do know that you can see the future in the movements of the present. You can look at the past and see the possibilities based on what has happened before. Everything that happens has happened before. Oh it may wear a different outfit and it may dance to a different tune but the beat is the same.

The best place not to be is in an urban setting. Whatever happens and however far it spreads, it will be in the cities where the heavy stuff goes down. Never underestimate the power of the basic survival instincts ability to turn a man into a beast in a very short time. The patina of civilization is a thin veneer. The trouble coming will continue to increase until those causing it are stopped… by whatever it takes. The people in power have no intention of relinquishing it and the election is coming up. It shouldn’t be hard to figure out. Consider the players involved and what is at stake. Consider the mentality of the players and what is at stake. After that, it’s just a matter of what particular action they intend to take… there can be no doubt about their motivations.

It is time to become very watchful and past time to be somewhere far away from major population centers. For a great many people this just isn’t possible. It could be that there will be warnings that are sufficient and powerful enough to wake people up so that they can head for the hills. I’d like to hope that I am just being an alarmist. I’d be glad to find out that I was. If anything, I suspect that I am being reserved. For many… hindsight is going to be a powerful reminder in the aftermath.

Graveyards of the Heart

Posted by Visible at 2:32 PM

1 comment:

  1. This blogger, while not focused on Palestine nor even the ME, writes very very expressively. His style of writing is clean and easy to comprehend. I have 2 more of his pieces that I have in my "documents file" they are very very good:

    Sunday, July 20

    When the Truth takes off Her Clothes, the World Disappears.
    st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }

    Telling the truth is like performing a strip tease. It is because of this that many people are offended. Nudity offends people who believe that their body, the visible and the more esoteric portions, is something to hide. Another reason that some people find the truth to be offensive is because they make personal profit from lies. It stands to reason that many people believe that the truth is ugly, or inconvenient. Why go to such lengths to conceal it otherwise? It can also be said that the truth is hidden because it stands in contradiction to the thing that conceals it.

    We are constantly told that some product is ‘new and improved’. If it is new then how can it be an improvement on itself? It does not have a precursor. We have been told that it is “the same thing only different.” That’s not possible either. When someone looks at a lie, they are able to identify it as a lie by comparing it to the truth. How else can it be identified as a lie? So it might also be said that we know what the truth is, often without realizing that we do, or knowing how we know it.

    Another interesting thing is how we can say something over and over and the sense of what we are saying escapes the understanding of the person it is being said to. Many times here, I have said that I do not like having to come to the conclusions that I come to. I do not like where my inquiries leave me. This explains why there is reluctance among the general public to recognize who the authors of 9/11 are. This is why people accept what the media has to say when it is apparent they are lying. This is why they do not question in public because such questioning leaves them exposed and being exposed is like being naked. Conversely, exposing the lies of powerful interests can cause problems when it interferes with their profits and agendas.

    In the criminal world it is quite common for people to place the blame for their actions on others; to give false evidence and testimony, to engineer events for no other reason than to blame a rival and take him out of the game, or to draw the attention of the authorites away from themselves and on to their rivals. It is common in the political world to label your enemies and your rivals in such a way as to sway public opinion and have them defined in a negative light. Lies are the currency of the political and business world.

    It is because Israel wants to remain the predominant power in the Middle East that they were engaged with western security forces to orchestrate and blame the 9/11 attacks on the Muslim world. There is so much information available now that only a fool or those criminally involved would pursue this bankrupt scenario. It is also to justify Israel’s hegemonic intentions that those fighting for their own freedom and survival would be labeled terrorists.

    We now know that there is no Al Qaeda as an organized entity. We know that it is a construct of certain governments and their intelligence services, created as a boogeyman to generate fear in the common mind. We know that the only Al Qaeda cell that was ever uncovered proved to be a Mossad operation. We know that Bin Laden sightings and videotapes are all lies. We know who is telling these lies and we know why they are telling them.

    I am a recording artist and a writer. It is not a good career move for me to say things that put me in an oppositional relationship with those who exert a majority control over the fields I work in. It is not a career benefit for me to say that they exert a majority control over these industries. You get ahead in this world by accepting and defending lies so that those who manufacture the lies will not feel threatened by your propensity to take your clothes off in public. Even when everyone involved knows that lies are being substituted for the truth, just about everyone plays the game.

    Hamas is not a terrorist organization. Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization. Iraq had no WMD’s or ties to a non-existent Al Qaeda. Hundreds of thousands have died because of this lie and millions have been displaced. Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11. Two things are major features of Afghanistan today; oil pipelines and record opium production. Iran is not constructing nuclear weapons but no one could blame them if they were. We are told that all the major players on the UN Security Council are in favor of punishing sanctions and possible military action against Iran. This is also a lie. These lies come to us through the media. The media is controlled by certain people and everything they report paints a picture that supports their motives and interests.

    The lies being told are obvious and blatant. The evidence that follows the events of the last decade clearly shows that lies have been told. By now, a majority of the world knows that these were lies, yet the lies continue and continue. If it were not for the internet, the bloggers and alternative news sources on the internet, there would be nothing but lies.

    We who undress the lies are made to appear as pornographers. We are indecent. We reveal things that people do not want to see. We have told you that many of Israel’s regional wars were instigated by Israel for control of other people’s land and water. We have told you that Israeli settlers living on occupied land, stolen from displaced residents, go every day into the lands where these displaced residents now dwell and beat and harass them; use them for target practice. We have told you how women and children die every day in their ghettos because they are refused medical treatment. We have shown you video tapes and we have the testimony of aid workers.

    We have shown you how the banks print money out of thin air and then loan it at interest to create debt. We have shown you how America has become a fascist police state by fabricating an enemy against whom they must protect you by removing your freedoms of movement, assembly and speech. We have shown you how bankers, corporations and governments create wars in order to profit from both sides of the conflict. Across the internet is a small minority of groups and individuals who reveal the truth and are excoriated for it by the lie machinery. They are strip teasing in a world where the naked body is against the laws created by those who use their lies to manufacture conflict, suffering and want so that they can line their pockets at the expense of us all.

    Disinfo sites with racist intent, reprint the works of truth tellers so that the truth tellers will appear to be racist. Truth tellers find that they are ostracized. Truth tellers are the object of hacking attacks, slander and economic injury because the truth is not good for business. Truth tellers have no benefit to their efforts except for the satisfaction of doing the right thing.

    I’m going to go right on undressing the manikins and monsters. They may be able to cosmeticize their faces but they cannot hide the lack of human features below the costumes that conceal their alien forms as the move among us. Others will do this same work. One day more and more people will take off their clothes until only the agents of lies and criminal behavior will remain covered and concealing their true forms.

    The world is a lie and what the world conceals cannot be seen by lying eyes. They only see the world and fear what lies behind the world. Beneath the costumery of this world is hidden our humanity and our secret heart. Beneath the camouflage and masquerade lie our common brotherhood and our true self. My gratitude and congratulations to those of you who know that you are naked underneath your clothes… that are not afraid to show yourselves as you are because there is no shame in the truth. When the truth takes off her clothes then the world disappears.

    August 6

    Zionism; A Pernicious Virus and World Problem.
    st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }

    Dr. Ivins is dead. I guess that’s all we really know. Although it is widely reported that Dr. Philip Zack, a more credible source for the stolen anthrax, is a Zionist Jew, we now see reports that he is a Catholic (see the bottom of the article for the writer’s strange arguments for why Philip Zack is a Catholic). Apparently the fact that he is a member of a particular Catholic church and got married in a Methodist church is all the proof one needs. I think you will find this portion of the article as amusing as did I. You will note the headline that accompanies the article.

    I’ve been reading that there are kiosks in malls around the U.S. you can get a lot of information on this by using a search engine. They are selling everything from bad art to skin lotions. The Jewish Journal has quite an article on them. When you look at the membership of PNAC and any list of Neo-cons and when you look at who heads up a number of the main departments at Homeland Security you find mostly Zionist Jews. When you look at who pushed for the Iraq War and who is pushing for an attack on Iran you come up with a preponderance of Zionist Jews. Five Israelis were found celebrating the assault on the WTC. How did they know?

    It’s well beyond strange at this point. How is it that Zionist American and Israeli Jews are connected to so many things involving murders, single and plural? How is it that the same Israeli security firm was in charge of all 9/11 airports as well as the London Tube and the Madrid train station at the time of the attacks? What’s the story with Odigo and Promis software? Why does it all track back to Israel? Understand that I could add much, much more; from Larry Silverstein to the curious locations of Olmert and Netanyahu on certain significant dates. Two things seem apparent, thinking or talking about these things is anti-Semitic and whatever happened was mere coincidence and Israel should probably get more money and guns for being associated with unbearable coincidences.

    When you look at who controls the world media and much of the entertainment industry; when you look at who is behind the banks that are euphemistically called the ‘Federal’ Reserve; when you look at the identity of the Russian oligarchs and their London operations and when you look at the endless list of ancillary connections across the globe it becomes apparent you should look under your bed too because there is likely a Zionist there as well.

    If you are a person who weighs evidence and uses reason and logic. If you are a person who believes that, quite often, where there is smoke there is fire. If you are a person who believes that hundreds of coincidences remove your conclusions from the area of coincidence, then it becomes crystal clear that the tag of anti-Semitism was created to counter one coming to conclusions based on informed research when that research continuously turns up the same group of people in relation to global criminal operations.

    Now we have Alexander Solzhenitsyn pointing out that two thirds of the Cheka members who murdered tens of millions of Russians were… yeah, you guessed it. Then, maybe you notice the wording of the article and the tippy toeing around that is de rigueur for any discussion on the matter. It turns out that the number of people murdered makes the Holocaust Industry victims ...bigger killers than victims. You can’t talk about these things, even though I am. Even if you are Solzhenitsyn, they are going to say about you what is said about him in the article just mentioned. It’s clear beyond clear what is happening. Somehow, some collection of... some tiny percent of the world’s population is ...and has been... wreaking havoc around the globe for a long time.

    Nothing that I have said here can be refuted or contested. The meaning of these things can be obfuscated and argued about but the things themselves are real. What is the world going to do about this? I don’t know the answer to that.

    Then you have things like this. It seems that a person is left in a precarious situation when engaged in the study of this subject. They can go where the truth leads them and reap ignominy and censure. They can be imprisoned for saying things that the evidence affirms. They can avoid the truth of the affair and kiss the hands of their oppressors. They can run from the room any time the affair is mentioned. They can continue to graze like the beasts of the field upon ever diminishing forage... or they could just kill themselves by shooting themselves in the back of the head five or six times.

    It isn’t just the things that I have mentioned here. It is the enormous amount of evidence that could not be contained in a single book, much less a brief essay like this. I guess the thing is to find some place that they don’t want and try to live under the radar while they enslave and lay waste to the world. Just about everyone slides away from the subject. Just about everyone zips their mouth. Just about everyone has lied to themselves about what is real and what is not in order to survive beneath the hobnailed boot of history’s slavemasters; speaking of which I guess I don’t have to mention who a large percentage of the owners of the slave ships turn out to be according to the records of the times.

    So it appears that those who have told the truth are libeled and slandered and also correct in what they say. It turns out that Louis Farrakhan may be correct in what he says. It turns out that a large portion of those accused of being anti-Semitic were really just guilty of telling the truth; not that anyone was listening. It seems that their greatest crime was against themselves and their families for not having had the good sense to keep their mouths shut. Bertrand Russell and the rest of them should have just closed their eyes and worked to blame others for the crimes of those for whom it is a crime to speak about but... some of us are human beings and we care for more than just our appetites.

    Now the Palestinians are being systematically abused and tortured, made homeless, thrown from the roofs of buildings while celebrating a wedding at their home, shot, stabbed, beaten and tormented while the world turns its head. It sickens me. You, the willfully blind, sicken me more. Your cowardice sickens me. Your complicity with these ruthless killers sickens me. But I am healed by knowing the truth. The truth is not a bad companion on the road.

    What I have said here is so. I wish it were not so. I wish it were not so that a certain percentage of the world’s smallest population was not the world's and the truth's most aggressive enemy. I wish there were some way to end this but that is the nature of the world. Those whose love of money and power exceeds any human constraints on behavior... are those who possess the greatest amount of money and power because they desire it more than anyone else and are not hobbled, like you, by the possession of a conscience.

    While systematically raping the world and its people they paint themselves as humanities benefactors. While enslaving the world they paint themselves as its liberators. While lying, as a beloved avocation, they paint themselves as defenders of the truth. While pretending to do one thing they accomplish the other. What they say and do have no connection to one another except for contrast. What they say they are... the opposite of what they really are.

    I do not know what will come as the movie plays out before us. I know that evil destroys itself and the sooner the better. My thoughts are with you who know the truth of what I have said. For the rest of you, this is a dream that just came and went and your participation and recollection of your life will scatter in the wind the way leaves are tossed on a windy street, turning in time, back to the common earth from which they came.

    In a few days I will be on the road and unable to post your comments for a little while, just send them in and they will go up. I may not write again for some time. I’m not sure that what I have to say makes much of a difference in any case. Thank you for your fine commentary and for the time we spent together. I don’t know what lies ahead. We will have to wait and see... it all works out in the end... of that I am convinced.

    It Always Breaks Your Heart
