
Saturday, 13 December 2008

The Blog After 14 weeks

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  1. WOW, it is growing steadily by the day. Congratulations UP!


  2. Here is an example of the Jewish Mengeles. Imagine the uproar if a jew was done this elsewhere. Unthinkable, indeed; it's only in Israel can this sort of horror shows take place and be done to jews nowadays: weeks later did it finally give in and admit that Sadegat's heart had been used. But it made this admission only after the family signed a document promising not to sue.

  3. A great start UP and it's going to go from strength to strength thanks to your hard work.

  4. Really love your site! We're also glad you pick up articles from our site pretty often. You make some really great choices. (only once I was not too thrilled, it was a Tony Greenstein smear piece against Gilad Atzmon and I, smearing our site).

    Keep up the very good work!

  5. Thanks Mary, I'm a big fan also of the Palestine Think Tank. I hope it wasn't me that copied the offensive article, but then again I'm English so you can put it down to ignorance.

  6. Gosh, Michael and UP, thanks a lot your support of PTT, (we are going to return the favour, like I said, once we get a little bit organised to check if all our links are functional!) But I also want to do a Site of the Week Plug. We haven't gotten to creating it just yet, but for sure, your site is a terrific aggregator and it deserves a wide readership. We want to give a little blurb about the site and do a quick profile or interview of who runs it. But this is for stuff to set up after the holidays are over.

    For a new blog, yours is very complete!!

    And thanks so much also for taking off the smear piece, that too is appreciated!
