
Tuesday 16 December 2008

The Jews attempt to re-write history

The more you research Jewish history the better the understanding of why these people have been despised for millenniums.

I happened to chance upon the other day a Khazar website at where they list every incident of Jews being killed, however minor, and refer to it as Pogroms or incidents of anti-semitism. I researched one of these where it mentions Cyprus in the years between 115 and 117 AD where it vaguely mentions "Murders". Of course it doesn't actually specify who was murdered but a little research revealed something of interest to me. It appears that these Jews attempted to form a "Jewish State" and it proved to be just another example of where a Jewish State has resulted in mass genocide. The best example being, for the moment at least, the attempt by the Russian Bolshevik Jewish Khazars to form a "Jewish State" in the Soviet Union. As we all know, Khazar Jewish control in the Soviet Union resulted in the premature deaths of at least 30 million Christians and 4 million Muslims, not to mention a further 8 million in the Ukraine.

My research revealed the reality.

The penultimate but culminating event actually took place in 115-17 A.D., two decades earlier, when Jewish refuges tried to establish a state of their own on the island of Cyprus, apparently having migrated there in large numbers after their earlier defeat by the Romans. Once they obtained a majority of the total population, they are said to have resorted to a surprise attack to kill all of Cyprus’s non-Jewish inhabitants, estimated to have been in the range of 240,000. The entire gentile population – men, women, and children – were supposedly dispatched in a single day, some of them horribly butchered. Another 220,000 were supposedly killed in the African city of Cyrene in order to secure a friendly mainland port, and countless others were killed in Egypt as well.

And here again another reference.

Kitos War

The situation was pacified also in Cyprus, where Jews led by Artemion had taken control of the island. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, "Under the leadership of one Artemion, the Cyprian Jews participated in the great uprising against the Romans under Trajan (117), and they are reported to have massacred 240,000 Greeks (Dio Cassius, lxviii. 32)." [4] The Roman army reconquered the capital and the Jews were forbidden to live in the island.


  1. The video on the link mentioned is well worth looking at right through. It looks as though despite American vetoes and Khazar wailing we will soon see some real action against the Apartheid State.

  2. Sorry right comment, wrong thread :)
