
Saturday 20 December 2008

Flashback: Just a Mile-Stone in the Land of the Empty Promises

Just a Milestone ,
on a very long road........

By; Raja Ibrahim Chemayel

Where to bury a sorrow
where to bury my anger
where to bury my frustrations ,
my aggression.....

Where to bury the Truth
Where did I bury my Youth

Where to bury our rights
Where did they bury the light

Where to bury a Nationality
Where to bury my Identity
my Sensitivity, my Rationality

Where to bury
Abou Ammar...??

in Damascus near Salah El Deen
or in Cairo near Anwar el Saddat
in Beirut near Ghassan Kanafany
in Algeria near Prince Abdel Kader
in Hanoi near Ho Chih Minh's tomb
in the USA near Martin-Luther King


in Oslo near,
his own Peace-Illusion

or near

Illusion of any Peace .

Abou Ammar dies ,
there should be no funerals !!
because nothing would have changed
nothing would have died
because it will be just another day ,
in a long march,
in a long struggle ,
on the way to Freedom
to Liberation

Palestine cannot die !!
Palestinians do not die !!

Palestine was always here
even before David , Jesus ,
Ben Gorion and Yasser

A Just-Cause
the immortality...

The Death of any leader
is not an end......
it is merely,
just a
Milestone !!

Moses was not buried
Jerusalem neither ,
he was buried on a Hill-top
south of Amman,
"the Land of the empty Promises"

If ever anyone would dare
to bury the Palestinian-Cause ,
in Jerusalem ,itself , or elsewhere

it will rise again
three days later !!
without any Leader
and regardless who would be the next Leader.

The Just Cause is the Leader...
a Just Cause needs no Leader .

To kill Palestine ,
you have to kill all Arabs
and later, to kill the Truth.....itself.


What makes the
Palestinian's Democracy
so special .

Palestine is the only Arab country which has direct elections for the President.

Lebanese elect a corrupt-parliament which elects a clean President.

Egyptians have had only one candidate who has never lost, since more than a quarter of a Century.

Tunisians are inspired by the Egyptian-tradition-of a Democracy

Syrian-president inherits from his father.....

Yemen has a President but he shall not leave unless in a coffin,

which is very usual, in our Arab-political-environment.

Iraqi has had one , but George did not like him,he caught him with

a lot of "Weapons of Mass Distraction"

Sudanese must also have some valid excuse , which I do not know.

Comes now ,

the rest of Arab-States and Regimes.....

those have no problem at all !!............

Why ?? did you ask me ??

simply because, they never hold any elections ,

thus no falsified-elections neither ,
nor any counting and recounting of the ballots
like in Zimbabwe or Ukraine or the USA........

moreover those Arab-Monarchs

are the friends of the USA

which is one more reason,

not to have elections, at all !!

Conclusion :

56 Years of occupation , deprivation ,deportation,eviction
division and enwallment*......

have finally produced
relatively speaking ,
the Best Democracy
in the Middle East

of course after Israel's own Democracy,

which is the only Democracy,of course .

Bearing in mind that ,
the president of this Best Democracy
was previously "approved" by
the PM of that Only democracy.....

Sherlck Hommos , PhD

Palestinophile** Hallucinating for Democracies

on the twelfth day in 2005

just 18 days before Gawwad Allawi's election.......or funerals !!

NB :

*"enwallement" is a brand-new English word , born only 20 minutes ago in this is a cousin to the French word "enmurer" and uncle of the German "eingemauert"..............big deal Sherlock !!

**"palestinophile" is a state of mind which one gets as soon as one knows all the Truth about Israel. The sooner the better !!

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