
Wednesday 14 January 2009

How worse can it get ???


The Czech-Prince and the Ugly-Frog

How could it get worse ??

Gazzeans are exiled since 1948

in 1956 they got occupied

so they became exiled and occupied

until 2005 when they became

exiled , but imprisoned and starved.

Since 20 days they are ,

exiled,imprisoned, starved,bombed

invaded and massacred... ..

Then comes Mahmoud Abbas

who denied them their democratic rights

and now jumps to New York

pretending to represent them....

Then comes a Hungarian-Jew

being now a pro-Zionist- French-President

trying to negotiate a peace

not with Hamas nor with Israel , but

with an Egyptian-castrated- president

which Hamas refused him as mediator.

And the EU Foreign Minister (a Czech Prince)

representing the whole of Europe

while the French-President- Hungarian- Jew

and his Jewish-French- foreign-minister

have stolen the show away from him.... .

Last and not least , there is Tony Blair

with a quartet who never played any tune

nor played any concrete role , nor even rehearsed.

Tony Blair is the worse of worse , where even

the UK-Labour Party does not want him back.

How worse could it get ??

All went to the UN Security Council to hear

with their own ears , that the USA shall veto

anything against (or even blaming ) Israel .

It is like saving the life of a Lamb ,only to deliver it , to the butcher...

And to top it all....Mr. Amr Moussa of the Arab League went

also to New York , to profit of the Winter-Sales

at the 5Th. Avenue shops.

Palestinian blood became so cheap

and Humanity is left in the hands of barbarians,

hypocrites and impotents .

Raja Chemayel

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