
Sunday 1 February 2009

Jewish Ideology is Driving Our Planet into a Catastrophe


Now a resident of London, Gilad Atzmon is a world-renowned saxophonist and the author of two novels, which have been translated into 22 languages. He left Israel in 1994 after service in the Israeli military convinced him Israel had become a racist, militarised state that was a danger to world peace.

"I was born in a place that happens to be very strategically crucial to quite a few empires, and I was indoctrinated to take part in these idiotic wars and I managed to escape eventually. When I was there I started to see the scale of the atrocities that are committed on my behalf by the Israelis in the name of the Israeli state, with the support of the Jewish people around the world.

"Now and then you hear about one Jew here and one Jew there who is against it, but institutionally this war is supported by world Jewry inside-out."

While he believes people run a risk speaking out against Israel, Gilad Atzmon says he has no choice.

"I think we are under severe danger. We are fighting against the most powerful people on this planet. Seemingly the national state has proved in the last couple of weeks that murdering is not any concern to them, so we have good reason to be afraid or be aware, but I want to tell you something - this planet is at the moment in a devastated state. I have two kids who I love a lot and this is their planet. I'll be here another 20 years, 30 years, maybe tomorrow I'm gone. But they are going to stay here.

"I think Jewish ideology is driving our planet into a catastrophe and we must stop."

"The difference between me and 99 percent of Jews on this planet is that I do not believe they have the right to a state."

"Considering the crimes they committed since the state was born, along with the murderous extravaganza of the past weeks, not only do they not have the right to a state, the state should be dismantled immediately before they turn our planet into a fireball."

"In Israel, 80 to 93 percent of people support this genocide of the Palestinian people, and by the way, the Israeli state is a theological state so it is in the name of the Jewish people - we are dealing here with a major criminal, political identity."

"What they are doing brings so much rage in so many people, including myself. I never felt any anger or rage towards anyone except my people. So I think if I feel it, an Arab or Muslim or person who was ethnically cleansed, or someone whose neighbours or kids have been wiped out? They are not going to forgive.

"They are really dragging us into a level of violence that this world has never seen. It's the quality, the essence of what they're doing. It is the strongest army in the world against innocent civilians."

"Many people ask me about peace and I say you cannot have peace with people who do not internalise the concept of 'love thy neighbour'. This is almost a paradox, because if they love their neighbour, they cease to be who they are [Jewish supremacists for Jewish apartheid].

The word Judeo-Christian is an artificial construct, he says "It's a joke. A joke. It's obviously a political campaign to try to unite the power of America to fight the Jewish enemies, because if the Americans are convinced that there is Judeo-Christian, so then the enemies are the Muslims."

source article

P.S. Gilad Atzmon confirms what I've said before. It's not ALL Jews. It's 99.99 percent of those that identify themselves as Jewish.

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