
Wednesday 4 February 2009

Israel and the De-Christianizing of Palestine


Benjamin Netanyahu–by all indicators slated to be Israel’s next Prime Minister at a time of unprecedented tension between the various players in the Middle East–is predicting with all the confidence of a seasoned Gypsy fortune teller that Muslim terrorists plan to destroy the burial site of Jesus Christ, located in Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Not offering any proof that such a plan is indeed afoot other than crowing over his “accuracy” in predicting the attacks on the Twin Towers 6 years before 9/11 which Israel herself engineered, nevertheless Netanyahu–doing his best award-winning performance in pretending to worry about Christian sensibilities–is quoted saying that “radical Islam” will attack the “symbolic heart of the Christian religion“ resulting in a “chain reaction we can’t even envision” and “an escalation of religious conflict above and beyond the regional conflict we have now…”

The first thing that should come to mind when considering Netanyahu’s remarks is that this is the same creature who–immediately after the events of 9/11 and the accompanying deaths of over 3,000 Americans–was quoted saying the terror attacks were “very good” in that they would generate “immediate sympathy for Israel”. Obviously not shy about gloating over America’s devastating losses on that day (since nothing untoward came of it the first time) he again reiterated these same feelings in 2008 while speaking at Bar Ilan University in Israel where he was quoted saying the Jewish state “benefited” from the 9/11 attacks as well as the war in Iraq, adding that these events “swung American public opinion in our favor.”

To those who have devoted even ten minute’s time in studying Israel’s history of terrorism and false flag attacks in achieving her mad ends over the last half century (including but not limited to her deliberate murder of 34 Americans serving aboard the USS Liberty, the Marine barracks bombing in Lebanon in 1983 and the mother of them all, 9/11) Netanyahu’s latest statement should not be seen as much a prediction as a direct threat. Using coded language what he is revealing is that the destruction of Christendom’s holiest site is but part of a carefully-planned/soon-to-be-carried-out Mossad operation, the very same professional terror agency whose motto just happens to be “By way of deception, thou shalt do war”. In effect what the wanna-be war criminal Netanyahu and his criminal associates in Israel are hoping to achieve with such a prediction is to lay the psychological expectation for such an event to take place, and when indeed it does happen by her own machinations Israel gets to take credit for her amazing powers of clairvoyance. Following such an event, she would then be able to wave a bony finger in the face of the Christian world, shake her head disapprovingly and say “Tsk, tsk, tsk…should have listened to your elder brothers when it comes to these Islamic terrorists. Better luck next time.”

The fact that Netanyahu would go so far out on a limb with such a prediction when not the slightest indication exists such a thing would even be possible–given Islam’s inherent reverence for Christian churches–indicates he knows much more about this upcoming terrorist attack than he is letting on.

In the first case (just as it is with eating pork or drinking alcohol) destroying or deliberately damaging Christian churches is expressly forbidden in Islam. Beginning as far back as 636 with the Treaty of Jerusalem signed between the then-existing Christian community and Caliph Omar, commander of the Muslim forces who took the city, the Muslims promised under the “assurity of God” that Christians would receive “safe conduct” for their persons and property, that their churches “shall neither be used by us as dwellings nor destroyed”, that “no constraint” would be exercised against them in religion, nor shall “any harm be done to any of them.” The obvious proof the Muslims have been good to their word is the fact that scattered throughout the Holy Land are hundreds of Christian churches and shrines to this day, still in good repair, a blatant and easy-to see contradiction to the lying propaganda spewed these days by various pro-Israel bigots and warmongers about “intolerant Islam”.

The obvious benefit to Israel with such an event taking place is a no-brainer. Despite Netanyahu’s assertion that it would result in a “chain reaction we can’t even envision” and “an escalation of religious conflict above and beyond the regional conflict we have now”, he and his associates know full well what would take place and are relishing such a development with barely-concealed delight. Since long before 9/11 the Jewish state has worked tirelessly in fomenting the long-desired “clash of civilizations” between the Christian and Muslim worlds for Israel’s benefit. With such false flag attacks as the USS Liberty, the Lavon affair and many others it has been Israel’s desire to create situations on the ground that result in gentile Christians doing the dirty, dangerous work that Jews would rather not risk their physical well-being doing. Given that the Jewish state sees both Christians and Muslims (with their combined numbers exceeding over 50% of the world’s population) as organic enemies to her own stated aspirations of world domination, what better circumstances could exist than the two mutually destroying each other, leaving the lion’s share of the world’s wealth and resources easy pickings for the Jewish state? Furthermore, according to the precepts of the Jewish religion, both Islam and Christianity are considered idolatrous by nature, as they revere Jesus and Mohammed who are both considered false prophets, and according to the precepts of the Mosaic law, Jews are commanded to see both of them destroyed.

Therefore it would be wise for persons watching the upcoming Prime Minister as he does his best shtick in affecting a look of worry in his eyes over the “escalation of religious conflict” to see past this and recognize he is as much worried about this as a 19 year-old blond bombshell worries about her 91-year old billionaire husband having chest pains and shortness of breath. Nor should interested persons make the mistake of thinking Israel’s choice of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher as the target of her intended false flag operation is mere random happenstance either. Besides the fact this location is considered by Christians to be their holiest shrine, where with powerful emotion they recall Jesus’ sham trial and subsequent crucifixion and death at the hands of fanatical Jewish thugs 2,000 years ago, there are other extremely-significant factors associated with it as well.

In the first case, of all the Christian holy places most reviled by Judaism (the only possible exception being St Peter’s Basilica in Rome) the location in Jerusalem marking the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is certainly at the very top of the list. With the murder of Jesus Christ in 33 AD being a fait accompli, the Jewish leadership believed their troubles were over with regards to this upstart Galilean carpenter and his revolution against their mad agenda. The “mopping up” phase followed shortly thereafter when these leaders and those under their powerful sway swore an oath not to eat or drink until “The Way” had been eradicated and its adherents exterminated. Obviously, things did not go as planned, given that the teachings and memory of Jesus Christ did not fade away but rather caught like a wildfire in the minds of men seeking to detoxify themselves of the poison of Jewish thinking.

Having obviously failed in their desire to replace the light of Christianity with the darkness of Jewish elitism and supremacism, the Judaic position from that moment forward concerning the person of Jesus Christ and His movement has been anything but complimentary. Within Jewish society in general He is commonly referred to as “Yoshke” (the village idiot) while within the pages of the Talmud and other Jewish “holy” books He is depicted as a mamzer (bastard) born of an illicit union between a menstruating prostitute named Miriam and a Roman centurion named Panterra. Besides these, He is also called a sorcerer, a sexual deviant, a collaborator with the occupying Romans and a false prophet who “got what he deserved”.

Therefore, the fact that Christianity not only survived Judaism’s various pogroms and persecutions aimed at its extermination, but as well has flourished these last 2,000 years as the world’s largest religion playing an important role in world affairs has been an unbearable thorn in the eye Zionism’s forefathers and her caretakers today in Israel and beyond. This being the case, if there is any church Israel would love to see destroyed first in her process of “Judaizing” Jerusalem (as the process is referred to presently) it is the Church of the Resurrection that stands as a living monument to Jesus’ eternal character.

The other item related to any planned destruction of the Church of the Resurrection as it relates to Israel’s desire in widening the war between Christians and Muslims is that there is already a precedent set for such a scenario.

Despite the aforementioned reverence for Christian churches held by Islam and its adherents, nevertheless in 996 a new ruler–“Al Hakim the Mad”–acquired the Caliphate in Egypt, and upon ascension to power instituted a series of changes never beforehand seen. Rules outlawing the eating of scaleless fish, grapes, bananas, outlawing women from leaving their homes, preventing shoemakers from making footwear for women and a whole host of other irrational items not dissimilar from things heard concerning the modern Taliban today were instituted under his rule. In 1009, for reasons never definitively explained by historians, he ordered the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem burned. Despite it being reconstructed years later with Muslim assistance after Hakim’s reign ended, nevertheless it was this act that ultimately led to the Christian West invading the Holy Land in what is referred to as the Crusades.

Therefore, were such an event to take place, it can be assumed that various “experts” on Islam from within the Jewish community–the same ones responsible for peddling all the snake oil dealing with “jihad”, “72 virgins” and whatnot–would seize on the historical importance of this event in shystering Christian mothers and fathers into sending their beloved sons and daughters off to fight Israel’s wars. Not to be outdone in terms of chutzpah and deception, high-profile individuals both within Israel and elsewhere would be found “paying their respects” to Christians over such an act. With great drama, they would cry their crocodile tears in high-exposure media events much in the same away the aforementioned blond bombshell would come dressed in black, modest somber attire at her billionaire husband’s funeral while concealing the skimpy, skin tight red dress and Victoria’s Secret intimate wear underneath that dress that she will be donning after the obligatory performance is over.

Those who chalk all of this talk concerning Judaism’s inherent hatred for all things Christian to the typical business of “anti-Semitism” should look at recent history as well. Despite Theodore Herzl’s promises to Pope Pius X that Christian sites in Palestine would be “protected” by the Jews once they took over, the fact is nevertheless that “cleansing” the Jewish state of Christian vestiges has been one of Israel’s most important goals even before her official founding in 1948. Over the last century, Jewish attacks on Christian churches (and particularly during times of conflict with the Palestinians, when the “fog of war“ could be used as a semi-believable excuse) have been all-too common. Mimicking the behavior of their Bolshevik cousins from previous decades, the Zionists have on occasions more numerous to count (and certainly more numerous than revealed by false prophets such as John Hagee and others) firebombed, shelled, and mortared any Christian churches throughout the Holy Land they could get their filthy hands on. Although hundreds of similar evens have been chronicled, little (if any) attention is paid to it by the Jewish press in America for fear of losing American support for the Jewish state.

It is rather interesting that Netanyahu, while attempting his best performance for his fawning worshippers amongst evangelical Christians in American and elsewhere, fails to mention any of this when warning about the seemingly-certain Islamic attack on the Church of the Resurrection. He also fails to mention all the other incidents and items associated with blatant anti-Christian bigotry in Israel as well, such as all the increasingly-common spitting incidents taking place by Jews towards Christians, the attack on the Christian Peacemaker Teams in Tel Rumedah where a volunteer had her head split open by a wine bottle thrown by a Jewish mob who chanted “We killed Jesus and we’ll kill you too” as well as the fact that any individual proselytizing his or her Christian faith within the Jewish state can be sentenced to 5 years in prison.

The timing of this latest development, apart from it taking place immediately before the elections in Israel, should also be seen as a direct result of the holocaust recently taking place in Gaza, as that “light among nations”– Israel–and her “most moral army in the world” (as it has been called time and again by various Jewish leaders) engaged in the deliberate, premeditated slaughter of over 1500 innocent civilians, most of them women and children. After years of the Jewish state and her worldwide network of spies and disinformation agents painting the Muslims as irrational, immoral, bloodthirsty savages capable of the worst sort of violence imaginable, only to have their own words come back to haunt them in what was the burnt offering known as Gaza was obviously a setback they did not predict.

With all of this then, persons throughout the world–war-weary and starting to understand the organically violent and deceptive nature of the Jewish state–must react with alarm at Netanyahu’s recent “prediction” and understand that it is an indicator of–not only what is likely to happen, but more importantly, what has been planned by the Jewish state. In truth it is no different than some mobster thug visiting a mom-and-pop store predicting that some “accident” may befall the establishment if they don’t meet with what has been demanded by “La Famiglia”.

Lest there be any remaining doubt as to what Israel’s true intentions are with regards to de-Christianizing the land made holy by the life and death of Jesus Christ, let all consider the words of Israel Shahak, concentration camp survivor and professor of Chemistry at Hebrew University writing in his most important work “Jewish History, Jewish Religion”–

“Dishonoring Christian religious symbols is an old religious duty in Judaism. Spitting on the cross, and especially on the Crucifix, and spitting when a Jew passes a church, have been obligatory from around AD 200 for pious Jews. In the past, when the danger of anti-Semitic hostility was a real one, the pious Jews were commanded by their rabbis either to spit so that the reason for doing so would be unknown, or to spit onto their chests, not actually on the cross or openly before the church.

The increasing strength of the Jewish state however has caused these customs to become more open again but there should be no mistake–The spitting on the cross for converts from Christianity to Judaism is considered an act of traditional Jewish piety. This barbarous attitude of contempt and hate for Christian religious symbols has grown in Israel. In the 1950’s Israel issued a series of stamps representing pictures of Israeli cities. In the picture of Nazareth, there was a church and on its top a cross -almost invisible, perhaps the size of a millimeter. Nevertheless, the religious parties made a scandal and the stamps were quickly withdrawn and replaced by an almost identical series from which the microscopic cross was withdrawn.”

And if this does not suffice, let the words of Israel Shamir, Jewish convert to Christianity be considered–

“I still remember old Jews spitting while passing by a church, and cursing the dead while passing by a Christian cemetery. Last year in Jerusalem, a Jew decided to refresh the tradition. He spat at the Holy Cross carried in the procession along the city. Police saved him from further trouble, but the court fined him $50, despite his claim that he was just fulfilling his religious duty.”

“Last year, the biggest Israeli tabloid Yedioth Aharonoth reprinted in its library the Jewish anti-Gospel, Toledoth Eshu, compiled in the Middle Ages. If the Gospel is the book of love, Toledoth is the book of hate for Christ. The hero of the book is Judas. He captures Jesus by polluting his purity. According to Toledoth, the conception of Christ was in sin, the miracles of Jesus were witchcraft, his resurrection but a trick.”

“Even today, Jews in Israel refer to Jesus by the demeaning word Yeshu (instead of Yeshua), meaning “Perish his name”. In a similar pun, the New Testament Gospel is called “Avon Gilaion”, the booklet of Sin. These are the endearing feelings that the friends of Christian Zionists maintain towards Christ.”

And if this is still not enough, consider then what comes “out of the mouths of babes” in an email received by this journalist several years ago from “Ori”, a 14-year old Israeli–

”I am a Jew, I am an Israeli, I am a Zionist, and I am both racially and intellectually superior to you, the non-Jew. For your lies, your pathetic stupidity, and your anti-Semitism, your people will suffer under the punishment of the world’s future super-power, Israel!…Perhaps you do not yet see that the worst is awaiting your kind, in the face of the coming Islamo-Christian War, from which my kind will arise victorious.”

But more important than these of course were the words of Jesus Himself, who warned His followers concerning Israel’s resurrection from the dead that

“When you see standing in the Holy Place the abomination that causes desolation, understand that there will be great distress unequaled from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be equaled again.”

(c) 2009 Mark Glenn, Correspondent, American Free Press Newspaper

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