
Monday 23 February 2009

When Will Real Americans Stand Up To The Zionist Power Configuration?


I don't think that the average American knows what has and continues to go on in the Middle East, let alone understands the threat posed by what Professor James Petras refers to as the Zionist Power Configuration. Because there is no likelihood that our mainstream news media will ever broach this topic, I have decided to present the circumstances that Palestinians face daily in a way that average Americans can understand. This hopefully will create empathy for the worlds real Semites and the descendants of Jesus, the Palestinians.

Red Hatfield, Jr. (pictured above) is a proud American engaged in the transportation business. Red resides with his lovely wife Clementine, his grade school sweet heart, on forty acres in Hazard County Kentucky. Red inherited the property from his father Red Sr. after he died prematurely due to cross complications from liver and venereal diseases. Red is also very proud of his two sons, Red III and William Robert who unlike he went on to receive advanced degrees from Hazard Junior High School. Red III is now one of the top distributors of pharmaceuticals in State of Kentucky. His top product of course Oxycontin(Hillbilly Heroin). Billy Bob is the assistant manager of the Blue Grass Bait Shop and is one of Red III's best customers according to Red III.

Until recently Red Jr. had been living the American dream. He was the envy of Hazard County with his double wide trailer. Red earned almost $40,000 each year at his job with Yellow Freight. In addition, he had accumulated over $150,000(now worth about $35,000) in his 401k . Red of course could have reached the pinnacle of his profession, chief dispatch operator at Yellow, but declined this opportunity many times over his career. No desk job for Red, he felt that he belonged to the highway. Red was also well aware that those hardwoods on his forty acres were coming into there prime. The value of the white oak alone could carry he and Clementine well into their old age. Red was relying heavily on this stumpage for his retirement.

But something horrible was happening in Hazard while Red and the other citizens of Hazard County were a sleep at the wheel. Capitalizing on Indian holocaust sympathies as well as generous political contributions from their many casino holdings, a group of diasporad Punkapog Indians "Special Praying Indians" received a land grant from Congress for a tract of land in Kentucky already inhabited called Hazard County. Although Congress intended that the Punkapogs share the land with its indigenous inhabitants, the Punkapogs were not sharing kind of people. The clanish Punkapogs had long frowned upon inter tribal assimilation and immediately declared war on the indigenous inhabitants of Hazard driving many from their homes in what was called the Hazard County Nakba. To add insult to injury the Punkapogs who were originally from Massachusetts claimed an ancestral right to the land in Kentucky because many years ago their forefathers converted to the religion of the Yuchi, an Indian tribe actually indigenous to Kentucky. Now most Punkapogs simply refer to themselves as Yues. The Yues now claim that biscuits and gravy was a product of their Yueish culture.

And now the problem is on Red Jr.'s door step. Weaponized IOF Caterpillar tractors are now clearing Red's back forty for new Yueish settlements. Down came the olive...I mean white oaks and other hardwoods that Red was counting on. Just last week while on the road Red's home was invaded by the IOF (Indian Occupation Forces). Because Red's double wide sits on the top of a hill over looking the countryside it provides the perfect vantage point for the IOF to watch for Hazard militants out to defeat their Yueish occupiers. Red is still outraged over the last time his home was occupied. The IOF stold his Grandfather's banjo and vandalized his special Dale Earnhardt memorial he kept in his spare bedroom(it used to be an Elvis memorial but Red is a progressive Kentuckian and thought it was time to move on) over turning candles and defacing Dale's pictures and other collectibles. These IOF bastards even urinated in his tobacco spittoon and defecated on his shag carpeting as a show of disrespect for he and his people. Clementine still trembles each time she tells Red how disrespectful the Yues had been to her. More

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