
Tuesday 14 April 2009


April 14, 2009 at 8:10 am (Corrupt Politics, Current Affairs, DesertPeace Editorial, Ethnic Cleansing, Gaza, Genocide, Holidays, Human Rights, Israel, Palestine)

Image by Frieda 100

Every year, Jews throughout the world celebrate Passover, known as the Festival of Freedom. It commemorates the freeing of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt and their deliverance to the ‘Promised Land’.

BUT….. are they free? Are they enjoying a life in a democratic society? Are they not inflicting suffering on other peoples? What is even worse is that we see those that suffered themselves defending these policies, instead of being in the forefront of those opposing them. Why would a Sharansky, a man that supposedly suffered because he is a Jew, be willing to inflict suffering on another people? Why would a Wiesel, a man that has made millions of dollars writing about his suffering, also be a spokesman for the evildoers?

Are any of us free while freedom is denied to millions? Are any of us free when freedom is denied even to ourselves??

Let’s take a look at the Israeli government…..
A Prime Minister whose last interest is the establishment of a just and permanent peace in the region… one that is more interested in eroding every human right that exists today…

A Foreign Minister that is a nazi…
A President, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, that is a warmonger.
A Defense Minister that sold his so-called Socialist ideals to sit in a government with the likes of the above….

And what did they replace?

A Prime Minister who is presently facing criminal charges for illegal property deals…
A President that is a convicted rapist…

Is this the Israel that Diaspora Jews dreamt of ‘returning’ to for centuries??
Is this what is considered ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’???

That’s one side of the wall of apartheid…..

On the other side we see an entire nation denied the basic right to even exist. We see a systematic elimination of the people.

At the Passover Seder, the story of the Exodus from Egypt is read. The purpose is to remember the suffering and to teach about it to our children and their children. All one has to do is go beyond the wall…. see the suffering first hand. Go to Gaza…. see the genocide in action. Is this the freedom we speak of? Is this what the Sharanskys and Wiesels want to see continued??

But wait….. Israelis cannot go to the other side of the wall… nor can they go to Gaza. Why do you think that is? Is it to protect them from the ‘caged up enemy’ or is it to hide the truth?? Are most Israelis even aware of what is happening on the ‘other side’? The media is slanted, the news is censored…. is the truth getting out? The Blogesphere is probably the greatest source of real information these days.

Let us spread the word…. let us spread the truth…. let us work to the day when the Festival of Freedom can be celebrated by all of us…. FOR REAL!

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