
Wednesday 15 April 2009



By Mustafa Khan

09 April, 2009

The geopolitical situation demands that the world must confront Jews particularly the ones who hold absolute sway over arms sales, media and the Zionists. Their control of what information you get and what images emerge through the news channels is playing havoc. The lies they spread control the behaviour of the president and the congress in America to the extent that there is no hope left for freedom of expression and freedom to hold one’s own in the US itself.

There is also direct threat to the national interests of the people around the world not just the Arabs and Palestinians who are worst affected because of the backing of the US to all that the Israelis do in the Middle East.

For example India was developing its own missile technology but opted to buy Israeli missiles because of the monetary consideration. The current government signed 10, 000 crore dollar deal with Israel on the sly even when there was CBI inquiry going on. Moreover, the Akash surface to air missile was better than the ones Israel has. It was this fact which made the defense ministry official cry out in anguish: “What do we do when we are neck deep with the Israelis?” (DNA, 25-3-09)

Being neck deep with the Israelis has made what America is today. It started a war on Iraq making the world believe through its fabricated intelligence reports that that country was developing weapons of mass destruction. It did not care for the UN and world opinion. No country except Israel must have superiority of military power in the Middle East.

Israel has already prevailed upon India to the extent that it is no more the country that was leader of the nonaligned nations capable of frankly and substantially voicing its dissent against the Jewish state.

What is more pertinent in the present context is the direct interference in our affairs. A high ranking Israeli military officer visited Kashmir and opined how India could also use the Israeli tactics of holding land and barricading people as a way of deterring the Kashmiris.

It was this advocacy and incident that one of the two terrorists holed up in Chabbad house during Mumbai attack of 26/11 gave the media as their grouse against India!

The Israeli Arabs, as well as the Palestinians, who live and work for the Jewish state do not fare any better than the people of the occupied lands. Palestinian doctor Ezzeldeen Abu al-Aish is now nominated for the Nobel peace prize for his eminent work of medical service during the Gaza aggression of December 27-January 18 2008-09 when his own daughters and niece were killed on the last day of the attack. There is a piece of his conversation with the Israeli journalist that needs repeating:

TML: The Israel Defense Forces said they warned you to leave the home. Did you get a notification? Did you get a call from the IDF asking you to leave because of what was happening in Gaza?

Dr. Abu al-Aish: It is painful to hear this lie. We should stop such fabrications. If we are serious about finding a solution (to the Israeli-Palestinian problem) we should be honest with each other, not find excuses. No one contacted me to tell me to leave. They sent pamphlets but not to our area. I think it's your responsibility to go to the area there and to ask if they or anyone else contacted me, or if anyone has the courage to face me and to say that we contacted you, Ezzeldeen.

This cruel and abominable treatment meted out to the doctor is nothing new because there are far worse records documented by independent media not controlled by Jews which make mention of two rabbis who visited North Gaza during the operation and encouraged the Jewish army by quoting the Psalm praying the Lord to seize the infants of Israel’s oppressor and dash their brains against the rocks!

Who is the real oppressor in the Middle East? Who the real Goliath? In the broad day light when school children were returning home, the Israelis struck and killed more than 225 and injured 700 civilians within minutes of the launch of the attack. Most of the victims were children.

This was accomplished by the deadly helicopters and missiles and cluster bombs and phosphorous freely supplied by the US. Nay, the US had the temerity to announce during the operation that more of such deadly weapons were on the way to Israel. If Israel is the so called pariah of the world, then what is the US? The Jewish lobby sees to it that neither of the two matters.

An independent human rights body called Physicians for Human Rights-Israel and the Palestinian Medical Relief Society has just submitted its report in which it says: "The underlying meaning of the attack on the Gaza Strip, or at least its final consequence, appears to be one of creating terror without mercy to anyone."

The same process of fabrication and faking of reports that Jewish media barons are guilty of would make the Mohammad Shurrab case appear the fault of the Palestinians rather than an atrocity perpetrated by the Israeli Defense Force. Much like not blaming Bernard Madoff for 65 billion theft but finding fault with the gullible depositors as did the editors of Newsweek, a Jewish owned magazine.

It has been known for many decades that Israel had nuclear weapons. Even before Mordechai Vanunu blew the whistle on it in British Sunday Times in 1986 ,many suspected that Israel had bombs. However the hold of the Jews was so strong that never before did any administration in the US acknowledge it until March 2009 when the US army made it public that the US knew the nuclear weapon stock of the Jewish state.

In the meantime, the US not only connived with this hush up but let Israel attack and destroy the Iraqi Osirak nuclear processing plant in Iraq and also bomb the suspected Syrian secret nuclear plant. Now they are hell bent on attacking Iran irrespective of the fact that Iran has still not reached the weaponizing stage. Nor has it done anything in that regard.

This complicity of the duo [Israel and America] does not bode well for the world as it does not get any honest explanation from the super powers whose interest in the Jewish state makes it partial to it at the cost of the world.

If the only superpower shows this criminal indulgence of treating its satellite state in the Middle East so its heinous intentions are open secret that for the oil in the region, it would tell any other big lie and go to any other war and even a third world war.

The world must see to it that the US is ‘educated’ properly in this regard. Its hubris has reached Greek tragic proportion as also that of its closest ally in the world, not the UK with which its cultural past is hereditary, but Israel, whose Jewish influence has crippled its freedom.

On the Iranian nuclear technology day, Thursday April 9, 2009 the world should not look at President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad for making a startling announcement but rather at the new hawk Prime Minister Benjamin Netanayahu if he would order strike at the Natanz uranium enrichment plant.

Given the kind of impunity the Jewish state and the US have shown in dealing with scores of countries around the world, of Latin America and the Middle East alike, it is imperative that such multi internationals as Google should not genuflect before the Jewish interest.

It was the email record of the Jewish scientist Mordechai Vanunu which Google furnished to the Israeli government that led to his kidnapping from Italy and subsequent imprisonment. He renounced his faith in protest that the leaking nuclear reactor at Dimona posed greater threat to the Israelis themselves as did the Chernobyl to the Russians.

The Israelis recently attacked a convoy of trucks killing 50 in Sudan saying that they were carrying missile from Iran which could reach Tel Aviv. Missiles and rockets have been fired at Israel by Hamas. Sometimes others have also launched them into Israel

Even the Gaza attacks have not stopped the rockets. They hardly cause any material loss of property or life. Israel knows it too well. But it chooses to score other points rather under the pretext of stopping the rockets from reaching Tel Aviv or Dimona.

Of real concern to them is maintaining deterrence, for the 2006 war with Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon had badly shaken that deterrence. Can the largess of the Jewish community in the US be allowed to carry on all this unchallenged? Gaza Tragedy: the doctor who lost his girls gets nominated for a Nobel prize. April 6, 2009

Mustafa Khan
Malegaon, Maharashtra
Posted by Barbara L at 3:02 AM Links to this post 0 comments

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