
Saturday 23 May 2009

“wipe Palestine off the map”.

mapping zionist colonialism in belad as sham

Posted on May 23, 2009 by marcy/مارسي newman/نيومان

so it seems that the zionists have been exposed and shamed. the bbc reports that the maps on london’s underground were a “mistake”:

Israel’s tourist ministry has admitted to a “mistake” over adverts on the London Underground after complaints that they “wipe Palestine off the map”.

The ads include a map which campaigners say shows the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip – as well as Syria’s Golan Heights – as integral parts of Israel.

The ministry said that in general, maps should not be used on billboards.

But it denied a Transport for London statement that it had asked for the offending posters to be removed.

Transport for London said it has received about 600 complaints about the poster, while the Advertising Standards Authority said it had had 300.

Hugh Lanning of the London-based Palestine Solidarity Campaign said the adverts were a “disingenuous attempt to remove the Palestinians from the public mind, and create a false impression about what constitutes Israel”.

The posters were “selling a lie” by suggesting tourists could visit Gaza when the Hamas-run strip is subject to a strict Israeli blockade under which even some doctors and humanitarian workers have been denied entry, PSC said.

of course, it is not really a mistake if you read my post about this the other day showing one of many maps from a textbook in the zionist entity.

zionist entity's official tourist map

zionist entity's official tourist map

mondoweiss posted the above map and commented on stated that the above map is still on one of the zionist entity’s official government websites (see link below):

Earlier we posted that the Israeli Ministry of Tourism had apologized for featuring a map of Israel that included occupied territory as part of Israel. Well, a sharp reader has pointed out that the Ministry is still featuring similar maps on their website,

jasmin on pulse media put the whole map scandal in its proper context starting off by highlighting the hypocrisy and irony:

Many have yet to abandon the long ago proved misquote that Iranian President Ahmadinejad once threatened to “wipe Israel off the map.” Various scholars and translators have repeatedly demonstrated that this was an inaccurate translation and yet propagandists (as well as the ill-informed) continue to spread this fallacy, often as knee-jerk reaction to criticism of Israel’s war-mongering policies against the Palestinians and many of its neighbors.

That Israel has been actively working to wipe Palestine off the map for more than 60 years is however still debatable according to some and it is not mere coincidence that those who deny this also usually partake in and/or endorse the Israeli government’s abhorrent policies. It is apparently also not enough that internationally renowned doctors and lawyers, organizations like the UN and many other writers and scholars (including Israeli born Jews like Ilan Pappé), have also confirmed these realities with supporting evidence.


the truth is that the zionist entity, because it is a colonial entity, has always imagined expanding its borders as the map above (which can also be found in ilan pappe’s book the ethnic cleansing of palestine). the above map is an official one that was the preferred map of the world zionist organization in 1919. but there are many zionists who wish to expand their borders even further and their slogan is “from the nile to the euphrates” as the map below shows:

greater israel map fantasy

of course, with american imperial designs on iraq and their zionist partners, in the form of mossad, in kurdistan anything is possible–especially when the regimes in jordan and egypt continue to operate in ways that serve their american and zionist masters. but then again check out this news item about the knesset this week:

The Hebrew radio on Monday revealed that the Israeli Knesset will discuss soon a draft law introduced by member of the Zionist national union party Aryeh Eldad calling for considering Jordan the Palestinian state.

The radio quoted Eldad as saying that this law would ensure Israel’s security and meet the international community’s calls for giving the Palestinians a state.

The Zionist national union party, which is considered one of the most ultra-extremist Israeli parties, had distributed in December 2002 leaflets among Palestinian passengers traveling across Al-Karama bridge on the Jordanian borders urging them to stay in Jordan as their existing state in which they could live away from the occupation.

The leaflet, written in Arabic and Hebrew, read: “We wish you a safe trip to the existing Palestinian state where the Palestinians constitute 75 percent of its population. You have taken the right step when you decided to join your brothers; in your new state, you will not suffer from the occupation, and you will be able to nominate yourselves and elect your own parliament…As part of a regional plan, your economy, agricultural, infrastructure and waters will be developed with international assistance.”

thankfully there are some jordanians who still believe in resistance and who are responding to this new action by elements in the zionist entity:

Two prominent Jordanian political activists have launched a campaign they called “The call for independence”, urging the Palestinian and Jordanian peoples to unite against the Israeli scheme of turning Jordan into an alternative homeland for the Palestinian people.

A couple of days ago, a rightist Israeli lawmaker filed a petition at the Knesset calling for turning Jordan into an alternative homeland for the Palestinians.

Former Jordanian lawmaker Laith Shbeilat, and leftist writer Nahidh Hatar, who launched the initiative, wondered if there was any more ambiguity over the Israeli vicious intentions towards Jordan and Palestine after that petition was officially filed.

The two politicians also urged the Jordanian people to express their anger and to reject the Israeli plans that aim at wiping out their homeland and identity.

They also urged the “honorable” Palestinian resistance to declare it sound and clear that they won’t accept an alternative homeland other than Palestine, and to hold activities to oppose such schemes.

you can see some of these zionist terrorist colonists in this news report from jacky rowland on al jazeera the other day who were “celebrating” their annexation and colonization of al quds while chanting “death to arabs” and provocatively inciting violence by marching with an enormous stone that they intend to use to replace the al aqsa mosque with as they vow to “rebuild” their so-called temple:

but of course the expansionism and ethnic cleansing continues all over palestine every day. some people seem to think that the obama administration is somehow strengthening its language in ways that will ensure colonies will be stopped. al jazeera reported on hillary clinton’s statements last week:

In an interview with Al Jazeera, Clinton said the Obama administration is “determined to forge ahead on what we believe is in the best interest of the Israelis, the Palestinians, the larger region, and the world as well as what we think is right”.

Clinton said the US was pursuing “a two-step effort”.

“First, we want to see a stop to settlement construction – additions, natural growth, any kind of settlement activity – that is what the president has called for.

“We also are going to be pushing for a two-state solution which by its very name implies borders that have to be agreed to and we expect to see two states living side-by-side,” she said.

The settlements issue was also raised by John Kerry, a high-profile senator, with Netanyahu during his visit to the US congress on Tuesday.

Kerry, who chairs the senate foreign relations committee, stressed “the importance of Israel moving forward, especially in respect to the settlements issue”.

here is a brief interview with al jazeera’s abderrahim foukara and clinton where you can see her making these statements:

personally, i don’t see anything new here mostly because i just see it as rhetoric. from my new apartment in beit sahour i can see the colony of har homa being actively expanded every day. supposedly benjamin netanyahu says he is now going to dismantle “outposts,” which are basically trailer parks that are the seedlings of the full-scale colonies that become cities on palestinian land. in any case here is netanyahu’s promise (and we all know what the words of a zionist are worth):

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Israel’s Defense Minister reportedly agreed to dismantle some illegal settlement outposts built by settlers in private Palestinian lands. They said the evacuation would take place within a few weeks.

According to a report published by Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, Obama said he would dismantle some 36 illegal outposts and that Netanyahu would not oppose the move.

Some Israeli leaders, including members from the Likud Party, stated on Wednesday that Netanyahu most likely promised the US president Barack Obama to dismantle the outposts.

here is what that so-called “settlement activity” looks like that clinton and netanyahu keep talking about:

har homa colony

har homa colony

either way both steal palestinian land. and these colonies are no different than the ones that exist on occupied land in historic 1948 palestine. it’s all the same. those should be called “settlement activity” too. supposedly the obama administration is also talking about ensuring that al quds remains the capital of palestine:

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has been assured that US President Barack Obama’s new peace plan includes a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem.

PA officials told the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot that the US intends to stand by its policy that East Jerusalem should be the Palestinian capital. Obama is expected to roll out the peace plan in Cairo on 4 June.

The plan also calls for Israel to freeze settlement activity, and a clear timetable for the establishment of a Palestinian state, negotiated under the framework of the Arab Peace Initiative. The newspaper said the US is expected to ask Arab states also to set a timeline for establishing normalized diplomatic ties with Israel.

of course that is clearly not going to happen any time soon if you watch the above al jazeera video and if you read what netanyahu says about the al quds and his plans for it:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Thursday that all of Jerusalem would always remain under Israeli sovereignty, in comments likely to spark consternation among Palestinians who hope to make the city the capital of a future state.

“Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people, a city reunified so as never again to be divided,” Netanyahu said at a ceremony to mark Jerusalem Day in the city’s Mercaz Harav yeshiva. “Our people’s unparalleled affinity to Jerusalem has spanned thousands of years, and is at the basis of our national renaissance. It has united our people, secular and religious people alike.”

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