
Tuesday, 30 June 2009

"Amereicans are going to be greeted with flowers & sweets..."


The US withdrawal has sparked celebrations in Iraq [AFP]

That seemed like ... yesterday! Al Jazeera, here

"...Fireworks continued to light up the sky over Baghdad into the early hours on Tuesday, after thousands of Iraqis, an unprecedented number for a public post-war event, attended a party in a park where singers performed patriotic songs.

"All of us are happy - Shias, Sunnis and Kurds on this day ... the Americans harmed and insulted us too much," Waleed al-Bahadili, an Iraqi attending the celebrations, told the AFP news agency.

Many Iraqis ignored an appeal by Tariq al-Hashemi, the Iraqi vice president, to stay away from crowded places during the US pullback, after more than 250 people were killed in bombings over the past 10 days..."

Posted by G, Z, & or B at 10:49 AM

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