
Monday 13 July 2009

COUP ANYONE? US/Israel/Fatah Join Hands


Is anyone paying attention here? [I did 4 decades ago]

In Palestine, what do you do when you have an Election coming in 6 months, you are a corrupt party, you don't have the majority of support of Palestinian people and you are backed by Israel and the US? Why of course, you postpone the elections for ANOTHER 2 years. During which time you will continue to work as agents for America and Israel (who recently gave you weapons) to use against your own people, to come up with a plan to overthrow or kill-off in a bloody coup, your opponent who actually does have the majority of support. In other words, you cheat and collaborate with the enemy, Israel... FATAH is an utter disgrace. But that's not all folks, there's more eye opening info after article below:
The Jerusalem Post quoted a senior Israeli military official who said that the Palestinian Authority preferred to postpone the elections scheduled for next January to 2012.

Hamas has repeatedly condemned the PA, which is led by the US-backed President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, for delaying previous elections. It maintains that since elections were postponed, Abbas' term technically ended in January of this year and that he is no longer the legitimate president of Palestine.
This is true. Would Americans allow Bush to just extend his term for another 4 years, I doubt it! But America supports Abbas in doing so. That's not democracy, it's dictatorship.
Israeli official claimed that Abbas was happy with the internal Palestinian state of affairs, and would stop any effort to make a deal with Hamas. It also reported that the PA, in cooperation with the US and EU, was building more prisons in the West Bank, presumably to house Hamas arrestees. link

So, let's take a look at the history of US involvement in backing the corrupt Israeli agent FATAH party.

Anyone who thinks Obama is any different than Bush is not paying attention. Obama kept this Bush guy: Lieutenant General Keith W. Dayton, United States Army, is currently the U.S. Security Coordinator for the Israel-Palestinian Authority in Tel Aviv, Israel. He has also served as the Director of the Iraq Survey Group, right, there's some "real change" for ya! Yeah, keep him involved, because Iraq was "such" a success.........So we have a military agent working in a position that is supposed to come with an impartial eye towards resolving the I/P conflict, yeah right. Check this out from 2007, TWO years ago:

Lt.-Gen. Keith Dayton, the USCC working with the Palestinians, in testimony Wednesday before the House Subcommittee on the Middle East. "The legal security forces of the Palestinian president still lack what they need to achieve … law and order."

The State Department has in the past denied that America's non-lethal training of the presidential guard of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah

But at the hearing Dayton highlighted the US role in helping Fatah as it faces attacks from the Islamic radicals in Hamas.

"We are leading, through the acts of this Congress, the international effort to possibly affect this worrisome situation," he said. "The security assistance plan that you have authorized me to just begin to implement is pointing the way forward for all international and regional allies."
Hmmmmm "Regional Allies" code words for Israel, where, of course Dayton is stationed, how cozy. Now, here comes the money:
Congress recently allowed $59 million to be used to further Dayton's efforts at training the presidential guard of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah.

The money, however, didn't go through the normal appropriation process, as the White House took previously approved funds and simply reallocated them.

"We are entering a rough patch," Dayton acknowledged, "but all is not lost and our regional partners share that sentiment.
Surprise!! There's that troublesome code phrase again; "regional partners"Interested in having a little proof that FATAH are truly American and Israeli agents? Well, here' ya go, right from the mouth of Col Dayton himself when he spoke to the Middle East subcommittee in Washington in 2007:
"Nothing we do to strengthen the Palestinian's security capability will be targeted against Israel … The presidential guard will not become a threat to Israel." source
Check out that last line "The presidential guard will not become a threat to Israel" Why? because they are working for and with the US and Israel to overthrow the elected Government of Gaza. To remove democracy in a US/Israeli/FATAH coup. So what does HAMAS have to say today about all of this?
Dr. Yousuf Rezqa, the political advisor to Palestinian premier Ismail Haniyeh said; Regarding the national dialog, he underlined that the future of dialog is dependent on ending the file of political arrest in the West Bank and terminating the security mission of US officer Keith Dayton in the West Bank. link
Posted by irish4palestine at 4:00 PM

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