
Thursday 16 July 2009

Jumblatt Calls for Alliance with Hariri, Berri and Hezbollah!

15/07/2009 Once again, the head of the Democratic Gathering MP Walid Jumblatt surprises everyone, his allies before his rivals…

Jumblatt, who's famous for his traditional and regular "curving," didn't hesitate to announce publicly on Wednesday his "intentions," making the differences with his so-called allies in the March 14 bloc a concrete reality…

Jumblatt, who used to differentiate himself lately from his allies over the various sensitive issues especially the stances towards the Resistance and the relationship with Syria, hinted that his current alliance with the March 14 bloc was simply nearing an end…

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Kuwaiti daily Awan, the Progressive Socialist Party leader called for a "strong alliance" that includes him, the Future Movement of MP Saad Hariri, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and Hezbollah.

According to Jumblatt, "the basis is the Islamic scene in Beirut and its suburbs." Therefore, he called upon the Christians not to "feel disturbed" from his statement.

Addressing those who might be bothered by his statement from his so-called allies within the March 14 bloc, Jumblatt just said "Say your word and walk," thus hinting that he does not mind the others' opinions and reactions to his beliefs.

The head of the Democratic Gathering said that PM-Designate Saad Hariri will visit Damascus, accompanied by Saudi King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, after finalizing the cabinet formation. He described the general atmosphere surrounding the formation of the government as good.

According to the Kuwaiti daily, Jumblatt also expressed belief there was no solution for the conflict with the Israeli enemy in the short-run, emphasizing that "resolving this conflict awaits the upcoming generations."

Concerning the Western openness to talks with Syria, Jumblatt stressed that Syria needs the United States and vice-versa, meaning that the United States also needs Syria. Jumblatt highlighted that he rejects the fact that "some states were seeking to use Lebanon as a battleground for its interests or for a cold or even hot dialogue with Iran."

The Druze leader concluded his interview by reiterating that the article published some months ago in German daily Der Spiegel, including accusations against Hezbollah of being involved in the assassination of Lebanese former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri was a trap "and this is the Nations' game."

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