
Tuesday 21 July 2009

"The question is what we will do if we find, disastrously, that Obama is serious... this may be the end of us"


Via the Pulse, here

Ben Caspit in Ma'ariv :

" ... Netanyahu's move yesterday was a wise tactical move. Obama backed him into a corner with the settlements? So Netanyahu, with a maneuver of his own, takes him into the opposite corner, with Jerusalem. Just as the settlements are a consensus in the US and around the world, Jerusalem is a consensus in Israel and within the Jewish people.

Finally, something that is truly worth fighting over. Both of them, Obama and Netanyahu, now hold each other by a sensitive place. Now we will see whether Obama is a real man. Whether he really intends to take this to the end. The question is what we will do if we find, disastrously, that Obama is serious. That he will take it to the end. In this case, this may be the end of us.
We must not forget for a single moment: This is not really a balanced game. The US is the world power, and we are the protectorate. The Americans can pull the switch on us at any given moment. We cannot survive without them. They know it, and so do we. The question is whether the US can afford a real crisis in its relations with Israel. A crisis that could also harm Israel's security. Is this worth the great reconciliation with the Muslim world. Can Obama survive this......
Yesterday, Bibi made a tiebreaker move for the first time. At least for one moment, he dictated the pace. He made it clear to Obama that he had pushed him against the wall, and there was no place for him to back down. He stood up in the cabinet meeting and said it in his own voice, loud and clear. This may be a preface to the mother of all wars between Jerusalem and Washington, and it may be a preface to an impressive Israeli capitulation on construction in the settlement blocs, in favor of a symbolic achievement in Jerusalem. This is something that we will only know in the future."

Posted by G, Z, & or B at 11:57 AM

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