
Friday 3 July 2009

Brotherly Love: Syrian Saudi Summit Likely Monday; Hariri To Visit Damascus or Not?

Syrian Saudi Summit Likely Monday; Hariri To Visit Damascus or Not?
Readers Number : 330

03/07/2009 The Lebanese daily Assafir said Friday that Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri is likely to visit Syria before the new Cabinet is formed.
However, Hariri bloc member MP Ghazi Youssuf dismissed such reports as “rumors.”

The head of the Democratic Gathering parliamentary bloc MP Walid Jumblatt, meanwhile, called for the restoration of confidence between Lebanon and Syria by focusing on outstanding issues between both countries. Jumblatt told Assafir that “Hariri can rule, but not againt Syria...He can rule in the framework of the Saudi-Syrian agreement, which we want to be a prelude to a Saudi-Iranian agreement in order to fend off the danger posed by sectarian strife, particularly in Lebanon.”

Assad received this week two top aids to French President Nicholas Sarkozy, political chief of staff Claude Gueant and his chief diplomatic adviser Jean-David Levitte, ahead of a planned visit by Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner to Syria and Lebanon; an indication to improved relations between Paris and Damascus.
A French source said that Assad was ready to receive Hariri in Damascus. The source added that France encourages Hariri to participate in any future summit, amid reports about a close meeting between Lebanese President Michel Sleiman, Assad, Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak and Saudi King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz in Sharm El-Sheikh soon.

The As-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper quoted Friday a diplomatic source
as saying that the Saudi King is to visit Damascus early next week to meet with Assad.
“The trip is expected to take place on Monday and would include discussions on Arab relations and regional developments, including the new Lebanese cabinet formation, which will be headed by Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri,” the Egyptian Middle East News Agency reported.

Press reports said that Saudi Arabia advised Hariri to plan his trip before King Abdullah arrives in Damascus, who might meet with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Monday. However, the PM-designate could decide to make his visit following the king’s arrival, the reports added.

For his part, Development and Liberation bloc member MP Anwar Khalil described the diplomatic and political activity in the region as very important and positive, “particularly the Saudi King’s visit to Damascus.” In a radio interview, Khalil said that Hariri’s visit to Syria is being seriously studied adding that it might take place before or directly upon forming the new government. The opposition MP also stressed that there are no intentions to put obstacles in the way of forming the Cabinet adding that “we have to give Hariri enough time.”

Brotherly Love

Posted by Qifa Nabki under Elections, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, The Qnion Tags: , , ,
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Prominent members of Lebanon’s parliamentary majority and opposition have expressed displeasure at the prospect of a Syrian-Saudi effort to determine the composition of Lebanon’s next government. Everyone from Michel Aoun to Walid Jumblatt to Naim Qassem to Amin Gemayel have spoken out against the idea of Saad al-Hariri handing over the reins of power to the Syrians and the Saudis, arguing that the formation of the cabinet should be up to the Lebanese alone.

A noble idea perhaps, but how realistic is the dream of Lebanese sovereignty? Not very, says the latest evidence unearthed by the muckraking masterminds here at The Qnion. Loyal readers, I give you the transcript of a top secret meeting held in Riyadh between PM-designate Saad al-Hariri, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and President Bashar al-Asad of Syria.

Remember, you read it here first!


[Scene: The royal reception room at one of King Abdullah's palaces; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia]

Hariri: Your Excellency!

King Abdullah: Saad!

Hariri: I’ve missed you so much! How is everything?

King Abdullah: Splendid, my boy! We’ve missed you around here too. It’s been, what… ten days since your last visit?

Hariri: Has it really been that long? God, it felt like an absolute eternity

King Abdullah: Well, the important thing is that you’re home. I mean, ahh, well, what I meant to say was…

Hariri: (uncomfortable) Ahem, yes… ummm

King Abdullah: … Make yourself at home! That’s what I meant.

Hariri: Yes of course.

King Abdullah: Saad, come over here, I’d like to introduce you to President Bashar al-Asad of Syria.

Bashar: Greetings Sheikh Saad. Congratulations on your appointment! I’m sure your father would have been very proud.

Hariri: (gritting his teeth) Yes. Thank you. Pleased to meet you. Finally.

Bashar: Wow, is it me or is it unbearably hot in here?

King Abdullah: We have the royal air conditioners on at full blast, but this is Riyadh you know, heh heh. Not quite as balmy and breezy as lovely Syria, that’s for sure.

Bashar: No kidding. I suppose it’s also perhaps a bit worse for me as I am slightly taller than both of you.

King Abdullah & Hariri: (nodding uncomfortably)

Bashar: You know, they say that heat rises, and given that I’m… what? A good foot and a half taller? It probably makes a difference.

King Abdullah: (annoyed) I don’t think you’re that much taller, Mr. President. Maybe a few inches.

Bashar: No, I do think that my shoulders are taller than your head, Your Highness. That is to say, I’m head and shoulders above you, ha ha. Physically speaking, of course.

King Abdullah: (straining to smile) Ok ok, I get it…

Bashar: I mean, I’m not saying that you’re half as tall as me, or anything, ha ha ha…

King Abdullah: No, no, I understand…


Bashar: Maybe if you stood on this little brown table with the mother-of-pearl inlay, you’d be as tall as me. Wait a minute… I have a table just like this in my reception room too!

King Abdullah: No way!

Bashar: I’m serious! Exactly like it.

Hariri: Me too! Come to think of it, so does every other Arab leader that I’ve ever visited. Huh.

Bashar: Well, they’re so useful, you know? Like, when you’re meeting with other world leaders, and stuff. Ideal place to put your coffee.

Hariri: Exactly. It’s like the perfect size. Not too big…

Bashar: (finishing his sentence) …but not too small! Exactly! Plus they’re just tasteful. Not too showy, and the craftsmanship is just fabulous.

King Abdullah: Totally. Oh my God, what a crazy coincidence! Anyway, where were we?

Hariri: We were about to discuss the Lebanese cabinet formation.

King Abdullah: Right.

Hariri: Now, in view of the fact that March 14 won the election fair and square, and that there is absolutely no constitutional basis for anything like a cabinet veto for the opposition, I believe that it is more than fair that…

King Abdullah: Ah, Saad?

Hariri: … we give the opposition absolutely no more than…

King Abdullah: Saad?

Hariri: … which is already more than one could expect under the…

King Abdullah: Saad!!!

Hariri: Yes sir! Sorry, you were saying?

King Abdullah: President Bashar has a proposal.

Bashar: Thanks, Your Excellency. Saad, this folder contains a list of helpful suggestions that King Abdullah and I came up with, just as a way to… you know, help you complete the cabinet formation process as easily as possible. Give it a read on your way home to Beirut tonight. You might find it useful.

Hariri: (opening the folder) Umm…

King Abdullah: That’s right, Saad. We just want the best for Lebanon, and given that this is your first time as Prime Minister…

Bashar: (smiling) And hopefully not your last.

King Abdullah: Ahem…

Bashar: That came out all wrong. What I meant was…

King Abdullah: Never mind. Just read what’s in that folder, Saad, and brainstorm it. By yourself.

Hariri: (incredulous) But… these aren’t suggestions. (Pulling out a single sheet of paper from the folder.) There’s just a list of ministerial portfolios with names attached to them!

Bashar: Like I said,these are some suggestions designed to help grease the wheels, so to speak.

Hariri: (frantic) And if I refuse? This is unacceptable! It’s blackmail! Lebanon is an independent country!

King Abdullah: There, there. No need to get upset. Sleep on it and call me in the morning.

Bashar: We’re sure you’ll come to the right decision.

Hariri: (steaming) Alright. I’ll be in touch. (Storms out)

King Abdullah: (To Bashar) Don’t worry. He’ll be fine.

Bashar: Do I look worried? God damn it, it’s hot up here.

King Abdullah: Just shut the hell up, ok?

Bashar: Sorry. Couldn’t resist.

King Abdullah: Freak of nature… What do they grow in Damascus, magic beans?

Bashar: (snickers) Something like that…Qnion-small


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