
Thursday 24 September 2009

Sami Jamil Jadallah – J Street or no J Street, the American Jewish Leadership is the main obstacle to peace in the Middle East.


By Sami Jamil Jadallah • Sep 23rd, 2009 at 21:39 • Category: Analysis, Israel, Newswire, Opinions and Letters, Palestine, Religion, Somoud: Arab Voices of Resistance, Zionism

israel lobbyJ Street or no J Street, the American Jewish leadership is winning and it is winning big with its support for the continued Israeli occupation, the expansion of Jewish settlements, funding criminal settlers, funding land and property thieves, keeping Congress hostage and under Zionist siege, continued funding of the Jewish Occupations, undermining the US peace efforts, undermining President Barack Obama's efforts towards peace between Israel, the Palestinians and the Arabs.

It is true there are a number of American Jewish organizations that have been working towards ending the Jewish Occupations and ending the ever expanding Jewish settlements among these group are; Not in My Name, Jewish Voices for Peace, Gush Shalom, American Council for Judaism, Americans for Peace Now, Muzzle Watch, Jews Against Zionism, O Zv’Shalom-Netivot Shalom, Bat Shalom and of course B’Tselem in Israel.

Not withstanding these organizations' commitments and dedication these organizations remain far short of the mark, they made little progress among the American Jewish community which continues in large part to support of the continued Jewish Occupations, expansions of the Jewish settlements, accelerating land and property theft, political and financial support for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Jerusalem, support for destructions of farms and uprooting of trees especially olive trees, targeted killings, and support for war crimes committed by past and present Israel leadership.

The American Jewish leadership continues to and remains in the driver's seat not withstanding the change in administrations from Republicans to Democrats and of course it was and remains in charge and in control of both houses, the US Senate and the House of Representatives, deciding on and even drafting legislations that have to do with US policy in the Middle East, and continues to dictate the level of funding Israel and its Occupation receive from US taxpayers.

For over 50 years American Zionists remain in charge and in the driver's seat when it comes to the Arab-Israeli conflict with notables such as Henry Kissinger, Arthur Goldberg, Justice Brandies, (played a key role in US decision to close its shores to escaping European Jews during WW2) Walter Rostow playing a key role in formulating US policies that made peace impossible, providing Israel with political coverage at the UN through the ever present US veto powers. And opening US arsenals wide open to Israel to grab whatever it wants even at the expense of and engenderment of US military power as Kissinger did in the 1973 War.

Adding to this long list are key decision and policy makers that made irreparable harm to the chance for peace to include the likes of Dennis Ross, Martin Indyke, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Edward Luttwak, Dov Zakkeim, Kenneth Adelman, I. Lewis Libby, Richard Haass, Robert Satlof, Elliot Abrams, David Frum, Joshua Bolton, Michael Chertoff among many others who are always in and out of government, yet remain influential decision makers.

To add to this list of key policy and decision makers we must not forget well-funded organizations such as AIPAC, American Enterprise Institute, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, Heritage Foundation, Middle East Forum, Institute for Policy Studies, CAMERA, Campus Watch among the hundreds of well-funded and well-connected organizations, not to mention key executives in US media, in films and in business who are the main source of funding to these very influential American Jewish organizations.

Too bad for Israel, for the Palestinians, for the Arabs, certainly too bad for the United States that these leaders and organizations believe that when the blood flows, the money flows, certainly when Jewish and Israeli blood flows, that is the time to cash in and the time when American Jews open their checkbooks and write fat checks to these organizations that are able to orchestrate support for Israel in the media, in Congress and on campus. Of course they are also energized when Palestinian blood is flowing, when the Israeli army and armed settlers murder women and children, when bulldozers are working overtime to destroy Palestinian homes and building the Apartheid Wall.

In a sense, I do feel very sorry for the American Jewish community to have such bloodthirsty leadership that gives unconditional support for Israel right or wrong. It seems that when it comes to commitment to a criminal Zionism all Jewish values and traditions are out the doors, windows and certainly out of mind and heart.

Peace can happen only when the US Jewish community makes its decision whether it supports a secure Israeli at peace with its neighbors and the world within 67 borders and with Jerusalem as shared and open city or supports Israel at war with its neighbors and with continued Occupation. My guess is that the US Jews will continue to support the Israeli Occupation, because Israel at peace with its neighbors puts their leadership out of business and will dry up the source of money to fund the different lobbies and organizations. Peace for Israel will undermine the Jewish leadership stranglehold on US policy in the Middle East and of course it undermines its chokehold control over Congress.


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Sami Jamil Jadallah is Palestinian-American born in El-Bireh, Palestine, an international business and legal consultant, and a veteran of the US Army. His comments are posted at his website
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