
Saturday 19 September 2009

Syria will never give up one grain of Syrian soil or a drop of its water.


NOTE: I will post a link to Sayyed Nasrallah's speech, as soon as it is available.

Tony used to say: "When Sayyed Nasrallah Speaks I Listen Carefully -- Palestinian Pundit."

My NOTE: Tony (The asshole) omitted this part of Nasralla speech. Expected from a little Zionist propagadist working day and night in spreading (BOMBSHELLS) lies on Syria, iran and Hamas.

It's not true that we have two choices of either fighting or surrendering. There is a third option of remaining steadfast and resisting, We may not wage war to liberate Kfar Shouba hills and Shebaa Farms, but we will not stop demanding the return of the territories to Lebanon. Syrian authorities vow that they will never give up one grain of Syrian soil or a drop of its water". Nasrallah remined the audiance of Geneva summit where Hafez Assad refused to sellout few meters of Gollan Heights.

Iran is a big support for Palestine and the Arab nations and it is being distorted by some Arab governments

In the Arabic Version Nasrallah said

"Today Iran told the whole world, we are with Jerusalem and Palestine, with Lebanon and Gaza, and Israel should sieze to exist. I know Iran, and its wise brave leader, I know its people, and so I would confirm to you that Iran shall never stop supporting resisting nations, Palestine is the religion of Iran. "

Addressing Arab leaders Nasrallah said "Palestinian people, if left to resist, if the siege is lifted, and support is provided, has the will, bravery to liberate Alquds without needing your armies, you frons and our front. Yes the current situation is difficult, but the situation in Israel is more dificult. Israel before July war, is not the same Israel after the war, and Israel before Gaza, is not the same Israel after Gaza. Israel is working day and night because its frightened"


When asked, before the War on Gaza, What Hamas (Immune to Learn) can do to stop Israeli daily killings:Tony preyed: At least hide.

And when Hamas "Massed" it's forces" to defend Gaza before bait hannoun massacre he preyed shocking his long ears; "So when I hear Hamas declaring that it would stop an Israeli invasion of Gaza, I just shake my Head."

After the surprise, his surprise, of the failure of the WAR on Gaza, he storemed "shaked" his FAT ASS, to find another excuse for attacking Hamas. So when asked again what Hamas can do to end the siege he prayed: Let it be guerrilla, on the wall, not on Israel.

All that time I was shouting :



Tony is always certain, at least almost certain, He has well-reasoned an

d informed, especialy with Sryian and Zionist Affairs.

His Syrian KHARA confirmed to him that Hamas feels the heat from Syria

Déjà Vu All Over Again: Mashaal Hopes Obama Cancels Conditions for Talks with Hamas Thus preyed the "Pandit"

"Iran is a regional power, so Obama has to deal with it. so Obama is trying to put the ayatollahs to good use. by moving Syria away from Iran. By removing Iran and Syria from the equation, Hamas will be cut off and the plan is to destroy it or at least domesticate it, just as Arafat was domesticated and finally destroyed."


Tony is doing it (Anal-ysing)

(Addressing an international conference in support of the Palestinians in Tehran, the Leader was referring to "those who entertained hopes of a peaceful coexistence with the Zionist". )

[COMMENT: Does this apply to your "ally", the Rabbit of Syria, Seyyed Khamenei? How about your own "pragmatic" co-existence with the Great Satan, the protector and enabler of the Zionist state, next door in Iraq? You don't seem to mind the Great Satan next door, as part of a "pragmatic" calculation, to get rid of Saddam and to bring to power sectarian Shiites in Iraq.]

# posted by Tony : 2:44 AM

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