Updated and moved forward.
NADIA said...
Check this comment---
"If there is anything that might give the Palestinians any hope of salvaging anything left, it will not be coming from the UN. It will have to come from facts the Palestinians themselves establish on the ground.
After 60 years, haven't the Palestinians learned that yet? -- MORE
Tony Sayegh
9:06 AM, September 20, 2009
Dear Nadia
What do you expect from a Gay (Thus said Ritalin) defeated 40 decadeds ago, other than spreading lies, half truth to justify selling his cause for for an american passport?.
Tony used to say: "When Sayyed Nasrallah Speaks I Listen Carefully -- Palestinian Pundit."
I claim he never did.
In his comment he reffered to "Arab puppets, including the so-called "Palestinian Authority," who "have taken Ariel Sharon's comment to its logical conclusion. Since Israel controls America, and since AIPAC sets American Middle East policy, Arab governments and the clowns of the PA now make pilgrimage to AIPAC to get US government favors! If the Pharaoh wants his son to inherit his throne, he pleads with AIPAC that he (and his son) is Israel's best ally in the M.E. in order that Washington would bless such inheritance by the mini Pharaoh."
This is half the truth
He Ignored the other half, the full part of the cup, and dared to ask Yasmin "What empirical evidence do you have to support such a view? Is the Palestinian (and Arab, in general) position today better or worse than at any time in the past 60 years?"
On Alquds day, addressing Arab leaders Nasrallah said "Palestinian people, if left to resist, if the siege is lifted, and support is provided, has the will, bravery to liberate Alquds without needing your armies, you frons and our front. Yes the current situation is difficult, but the situation in Israel is more dificult. Israel before July war, is not the same Israel after the war, and Israel before Gaza, is not the same Israel after Gaza. Israel is working day and night because its frightened"
Let us check realities on Ground Ignored by Tony
- Hezbullah, who defeated Israel in July war, and vowed to never recognize Israel, and to destroy its army if it dare to attack Lebanon.
- Hamas , who stopped the Israel Invasion and foiled all the goals of Cast Lead operation, refused to bow, vowed .
- Syrians, who, using Narallah words, vowed that they will never give up one grain of Syrian soil or a drop of its water"
- Iran, who, using Nasrallah words, shall never stop supporting resisting nations, and made its religion.
- For him things are either white or black, fighting or surrendering. He can't see the third option, which is according to Nasralla, The "option of remaining steadfast and resisting, We may not wage war to liberate Kfar Shouba hills and Shebaa Farms, but we will not stop demanding the return of the territories to Lebanon".
- You may add the Iraq and Afghanistan the grave yards of the American Empire, and the American failure to change the regimes in Syria and Iran
All he, (I mean she who started the whole thing) can see is the so called "historical pattern" developing on ground (Settlements, Siege, Arab Regimes, Palestinian divisions, Israeli/Jewish "Supremacism controlling America"
So "If and when I see new Palestinian realities on the ground, I might change my mind.wever " when he see new Palestinian realities on the ground, he might change my mind."
Believe me, he shall nor change his one cell "mind"
A "Christian-Nationalist-Secular-Far leftist" selfloving guy can't Think out of His Secular Box
The Realities he wants to see is nothing other than what he wishs to see on the ground,
The realities on the ground in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan are not the answer for this or that reason. In Palestine "Hamas is not the answer in his opinion. As he said many times, the Palestinians need a revolutionary movement to lead a real, tough, long-term struggle; Hamas is not such a movement."
When asked, before the War on Gaza, What Hamas (Immune to Learn) can do to stop Israeli daily killings:Tony preyed: At least hide.
And when Hamas "Massed" it's forces" to defend Gaza before bait hannoun massacre he preyed shocking his long ears; "So when I hear Hamas declaring that it would stop an Israeli invasion of Gaza, I just shake my Head."
After the surprise, his surprise, of the failure of the WAR on Gaza, he stormed "shaked" his FAT ASS, to find another excuse for attacking Hamas. So when asked again what Hamas can do to end the siege he prayed: Let it be guerrilla, on the wall, not on Israel.
He mocked Hamas for not hiding, for saying it would stop the Isreali invasion, and when it did, he wanted Hamas "to transform itself into a true revolutionary movement and not align itself with the reactionary Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and in Jordan, who traditionally have been used by Western powers. Instead it will need to align itself with progressive forces in Egypt and make toppling the Pharaoh a top priority."
In other words, Palestinians should let Super Israel alone and turn to change the regimes all the regimes, then open all the fronts, or wait until his Jewish friends change the puplic opionion and takeover the power in the only democracy in the middle east.
Sayyed Nasrallah rejected the idea of opening all fronts. "If we wait for all Arabs to open fronts, then we'll have to wait for hundreds for years,"
"After 60 years, haven't the Palestinians learned that yet?" Thus Farted Tony Sayegh
He CLAIMED, lied, that "For more than 60 years we waited for one UN resolution after another; one UN investigation after another."
Since early Sixties, before Nasralla, Palestinians learned, especially after Camp david, that Arabs shall not open any Front, and they, the Palestinians decided to resist, rather than surrender or wait for hundreds of years.
Finally, I reppeat what Gilad Atzmon - comment 27- told another Palestinians Basher "As Israeli intelligence generals have been predicting for 2 decades, all Pls need in order to win is to survive. If you look at Israel and Zionism from that very perspective, you would realise that the 'Wall' is actually the biggest Pls victory. They dismantled the Zionist project and made the Israeli into a 'diaspora ghetto Jew'. The Pls have managed to push the Jew back to the ghetto, and this ghetto will shrink as Pls ballistic capability grows. The Jewish state is a matter for Historians, its future is doomed."
Gilad Atzmon - Thinking out of the Secular Box: The Left and Islam
Addressing Arab leaders Nasrallah said "Palestinian people, if left to resist, if the siege is lifted, and support is provided, has the will, bravery to liberate Alquds without needing your armies, you frons and our front. Yes the current situation is difficult, but the situation in Israel is more dificult. Israel before July war, is not the same Israel after the war, and Israel before Gaza, is not the same Israel after Gaza. Israel is working day and night because its frightened"
Comment: Francesco Aiello said...
It seems like you and Atzmon are the only ones left who love that wall and consider it a victory. Everyone else we know sees it as the most extensive torture device that exists to rape Palestine and harm Palestinians.
Tell the people in Bi'lin to instead bring party balloons and to dance instead of to chant that the Wall MUST come down. (The last thing the Zionists want is for it to come down. They are still building it... why not ask yourself why they like it so much?)
If it makes you happy....
3:35 AM, September 21, 2009
Francesco Aiello
Thank you
Neither, me no Gilad said its not "the most extensive torture device that exists to rape Palestine and harm Palestinians", or asked the people in Bi'lin "to bring party balloons and to dance instead of to chant that the Wall MUST come down"
I advise you to read carefully Gilad's words. "If you look at Israel and Zionism from that very perspective (Zionists Perspective), you would realise that the 'Wall' is actually the biggest Pls victory."
From that Original Zionists perspective that Wall should have included Cairo and and Baghdad, or at least Historical Palestine, from Nile to river.
Building the wall where its built, again from the Zionist perpective, means "The Pls have managed to push the Jew back to the ghetto, and this ghetto will shrink as Pls ballistic capability grows. The Jewish state is a matter for Historians, its future is doomed."
Read Carefully, "Its future is dommed" not only its wall
Yes "They are still building it..." and they " they like it so much?" because after 42 years of Occupation they failed to transfer Palestinians, and stop their resistance.
Once upon a time they liked Barlif Wall, and Gaza settlements, ask youself wher is that Wall and that settlements.
Long Live Palestine From River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian
Oh, yes. I have read the comments back in the moment the article did appear. I did not to agree then and more even now! So What if the Zionists don't get ALL of Palestine because they put up a wall. They get half of it and in the mean time, they decide where the borders go! Do you not see this? It is too much simplistic to say that the wall of all things is a PALESTINIAN victory. Sounds like a cheap sound bite. My Palestinian wife, when she read that she almost made a strike at the computer with her fist. Do you not understand the warped way this sounds? It is as if the world function according to what Zionists think and say and their obtain at least part of their project is a success for Palestine some how because they did not and "will not?" obtain ALL of it. It would be impossible obtain all of it and this not in the plans for many years now. What is the problem to understand that Palestine severed in two and permanently, partly thank you to the wall. Or your thought too sophisticated for mortals? What we see as evil you see as a Palestinian victory.
ReplyDeleteIt is a warped procedure of thought. And we read it with mouth gaping open because you think indeed that things will go back to something good for Palestinians, meanwhile right now they suffer horribly because of the wall especially in certain areas such as that where my wife is from.
People should think before they speak or write. Persist in your soundbite. It is your country, not mine. Say this as loud and as often as you can. See how much support you rally around you! I know only it make me sick every time I read it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your lengthy comments. However, I agree, with Francesco.
"People should think before they speak or write."
I would add, they should do that before they shoot
ReplyDeleteCheck this:
Will Israel Fall in Five Years?