
Wednesday 28 October 2009



Emergency! Congress Debates Burying the Goldstone Report!
by Max Ajl - Coalition to organize The Gaza Freedom March

The Gaza Freedom March, October 27, 2009

Emergency – Call Congress Now

The US Congress is a considering a bipartisan resolution which would officially reject the findings of Judge Goldstone’s report on the Gaza war and call on President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton to use the US veto to prevent a vote on the report in the United Nations Security Council. A vote on the bill, House Resolution 867, is expected by this coming weekend.
It is urgent that you call both your Senators and your Congressperson today and tell them to vote against this outrageous bill. You can read the bill here. It ignores the conclusions of the Goldstone Report and simply parrots Israeli government denial.

Judge Goldstone has challenged the US to substantiate its claim that his report is "flawed." President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton have made no response. The carefully researched and documented report deserves a response, not a veto. The people of Gaza, who were brutally attacked, deserve a hearing. What message are we sending to the rest of the world when we grant Israel complete impunity?

This legislation has very important implications beyond the war crimes committed in Gaza. Israel has responded to the report by demanding the Western powers rewrite international and US law, warning that acceptance of the Goldstone report will mean that the US’ military campaigns in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan will be subject to similar scrutiny. (Judge Goldstone has drawn a distinction – stating that his report finds that Israel deliberately targeted civilians). This legislation also ignores serious allegations that Israel has violated the US Arms Export Control Act.

Let Congress know that such legislation is unacceptable. It is not in the US interest to disregard war crimes. It is not in the US interest to rewrite international law. It is not possible to grant Israel impunity while demanding that other nations respect human rights.


US House of Representatives (202) 225-3121 or
US Senate (202) 224-3121 or
Thank you for your support.
Coalition to organize The Gaza Freedom March

Posted by Irish4Palestine at 6:24 AM

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"BIASED" and "INCORRECT" join with "PREPOSTEROUS" in the latest Israeli denial.

I am beginning to notice that there are not enough words of “rejection” for Israel to use. With Goldstone it was “Biased-Farce-incorrect-lie” And now that Israel is being accused of hoarding 80% of the water, whilst allowing only 20% for Palestinians, at a huge price and restriction, we are seeing those same words vomited up again as Israel's water authority called the report "biased and incorrect” sound familiar? So I reckon they decided to go one step further and added a “new” word as well "preposterous".

Before the Amnesty International report below I want to say that I watched on tele this morning the Israeli’s make the statement that the Palestinians don’t do enough to create their own water resources. Then a Palestinian farmer got creative and decided to build a water tank to collect rain water all year long to recycle on his crops which are dying for lack of water. Note that his land butts up to a pristine, green grass and tree lined, Illegal settlement with unlimited supply of water, how stunning. But unbeknownst to the poor farmer, he forgot that Israel believes it owns the sky over all of Palestine, and soon the bulldozers and army arrived to destroy his water tank, leaving only rubble. There is a special place in Hell for these Zionists, right next to Satan, Today’s report from Amnesty International along with Israel's predicted reply:

presstv Amnesty said between 180,000 and 200,000 Palestinians in West Bank rural communities have no access to running water, while taps in other areas often run dry. The Amnesty report said Israel uses more than 80 per cent of water drawn from the aquifer and while Israel has other water sources, the aquifer is the West Bank's only supply of water

"Israel allows the Palestinians access to only a fraction of the shared water resources, which lie mostly in the occupied West Bank", Donatella Rovera, an Amnesty researcher, said.

Israel's daily water consumption per capita is four times higher than the 70 litre per person consumed in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, according to the report entitled: Troubled waters - Palestinians denied fair access to water

The water situation in Gaza had now reached a "crisis point," with 90 to 95 per cent of the water supply contaminated and unfit for human consumption, Rovera said.
Next Israel's reply: get ready for the same old words along with the newest addition:

A spokesman for Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed the criticisms as "preposterous".

Israel's water authority called the report "biased and incorrect, at the very least" and said that while there was a water gap, it was not nearly as big as presented in Amnesty's findings source
Notice that last sentence? That's Israel actually admitting they horde water, effectively saying, "Sure we horde it, but not as much as you said we did" That's like saying "I killed that guy but not as brutal as you said I did"

Posted by Irish4Palestine at 1:02 PM

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