
Friday, 23 October 2009

Jerusalem families appeal for inclusion of their sons in any exchange deal


[ 23/10/2009 - 01:12 PM ]

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Jerusalem families from the Thawri neighbourhood to the south of the Aqsa Mosque have appealed to Palestinian factions holding Gilaad Shalit to include their loved ones in any exchange deal with the Israeli occupation.

Their sons, who were accused of stabbing a Jewish settler to death nine years ago, are:

- Yaser Ghaith, serving a life sentence plus 20 years. He was seventeen when he was arrested, and received spine injuries during interrogation.
- Muhannad Jweihan, sentenced to 25 years. He was 16 when he was arrested and was beaten and his right leg broken during interrogation.
- Amjad Abu Rmeilah, sentenced to life plus ten years, then his sentence was reduced to 35 years after appeal. He was 14 when he was arrested.
- Ahmad al-Shweiki, sentenced to 20 years. He received an injury to his arm during his arrest. He was 15 when he was arrested.
- Ala' al-Shweiki, sentenced to 10 years. He was 17 when he was arrested.

Families of those prisoners, who were denied their childhood, campaigned relentlsly for their release, but all so called good gestures failed to get their children freed. Now the families turned to the factions holding Israeli occupation soldier Gilad Shalit, with the hope that their children could be included on the list to be exchanged with the captured Israeli occupation soldier.

The Israeli occupation government has so far refused to include any prisoners from Jerusalem or 1948 occupied areas into any prisoner exchange deals.

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