
Tuesday 3 November 2009

Flashback: Syria checkmated Hamas- November 26, 2006

Sunday, November 26, 2006


A Commentary By Mollistine Pundit (Tony Sayegh)

""Several events which took place in succession in the past few days must be related. The net effect appears to be that Hamas in particular and the Palestinians in general are walking into a well-laid trap."

"One of the things Baker called for is to engage "

" Syria got the message loud and clear and jumped into action. Before you knew it, the Syrian foreign minister was wining and dining in the middle of the Green Zone and appearing with his new fat buddy, the Iraqi foreign minister, both of them smiling and announcing that after 24 years, Syria is restoring diplomatic relations with the most sectarian government so far in Iraq. The Syrian further sent the clear signal that Syria wants to play a role in providing security for "brotherly Iraq." That was the reply Baker was waiting for. "

"Of course you ask what is the incentive for Syria? The incentives are many and the old fox Baker knows how to use them. I can name many. First there is the international court looking into the Hariri assassination. ...." The second pressure point to apply on Syria is the threat of attack by Usrael. John Bolton is busy hinting openly of what needs to be done with this “terrorist” regime. We know that during last summer’s Israeli attacks on Lebanon many of the neocons were urging Israel to expand the fight and to attack Syria. So, the threat of this attack is a card which Baker is using."

"It was Israel that firmly rejected any negotiations with the Syrian regime until, “the regime stopped its support for the Hamas and Hizbullah terrorists.” Again Baker is using this card with Syria by hinting that if Syria improves its behavior, then the U.S. would pressure Israel on the Golan. ......However, the Syrian regime is ready to offer all assistance to Usrael to prove its “peaceful” credentials."

"One of the requirements of Israel to even begin to consider talking to the Syrian regime is controlling Hamas. Many delegations went to Damascus in the past few weeks to talk to the regime and to the Hamas leadership there. One of those was headed by the former Palestinian PM Qure’i. On the surface, the talks were about the Palestinian unity government. But more importantly, these were probes to see the willingness of Syria to pressure Hamas and to subdue it to Abbas’ will. Again, it appears that Syria has delivered on that count.
"Hamas and all other Palestinian groups announced a ceasefire to start this morning. I guess the “liberation” will have to wait for a while. Obviously, the Egyptian client regime with that CIA asset Suleiman who heads the Egyptian Intelligence, have been working on a grand scheme to outwit Hamas and neutralize it. Now Syria is helping in that direction as well. It will be sold as a great Palestinian accomplishment: a Palestinian national unity government. However, it will be nothing of the sort; it is a white coup by Abbas and Usrael behind him"

Hamas is being given a graceful way out and Usrael is getting everything it wanted. No more attacks from Gaza (liberation would have to wait for another day). Masha’al in his press conference openly spoke of accepting UN Resolution 242, which clearly recognizes Israel. This morning Abbas issued orders to deploy 13,000 (!) of his forces to the borders of Gaza to prevent any firing on Israel. Where were these forces when the Palestinians were being slaughtered by Israel in Beit Hanoun? Ah, you see defending the Palestinians is not their job; DEFENDING ISRAEL IS.

"You get the distinct impression that a grand bargain, involving KSA, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and now Syria is in the making. As usual, the Palestinians pay the price."

# posted by Tony : 5:03 AM

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