
Friday 15 January 2010

Chomsky, BDS, and the Elephant in the Room


As readers of this blog would know by now I have fundamental differences with Prof. Chomsky when it comes to analysis of the Middle East. In the following interview Ali Abunimah and Jeffrey Blankfort do an excellent job of challenging some of Chomsky’s more questionable claims. (Here is the article Blankfort mentions; here is his previous interview on the Lobby. Here is former Senator James Abourezk on Chomsky; and here is M. Shahid Alam.)

Why does Noam Chomsky oppose boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, and why does he think Palestinians should not talk about justice and redress for their ethnic cleansing from their homeland in 1948? Why does Chomsky dismiss any talk about the influence of the Israel lobby?
On 13 January 2010, Ali Abunimah and Jeffrey Blankfort were invited to respond directly to an interview Chomsky gave earlier on these topics, on KPFA’s show Voices from the Middle East and North Africa hosted by Khalil Bendib. Chomsky was invited to take part in a direct debate but declined. Listen!

Audio: Challenging Noam Chomsky's opposition to boycotting Israel (Ali Abunimah & Jeff Blankfort)

Posted by RORCoalition on Thu, 01/14/2010 - 11:53
Why does Noam Chomsky oppose boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, and why does he think Palestinians should not talk about justice and redress for their ethnic cleansing from their homeland in 1948? Why does Chomsky dismiss any talk about the influence of the Israel lobby?
Click here to download the download the Abunimah and Blankfort response
or listen to it at  Ali Abunimah's Blog
On 13 January 2010, Ali Abunimah and Jeffrey Blankfort were invited to respond directly to an interview Chomsky gave earlier on these topics, on KPFA's show Voices from the Middle East and North Africa
hosted by Khalil Bendib. Chomsky was invited to take part in a direct debate but declined. Listen!

River to Sea
 Uprooted Palestinian

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