
Thursday, 28 January 2010

Gaza War: Scientific Analyses have Shown that the War Caused Increasing Number of Birth Defects!

Intifada Voice

[ Two brothers aged four and five were killed and 14 others were wounded when white phosphorus shells burst above this UN school in Beit Lahiya on January 17, 2009.
© 2009 Getty Images ]

The report said that in the three months prior to the start of the war in December 2008 just twenty-seven children were born with such deformities. During the same period in 2009 the number was forty-nine, a significant increase. The report indicated that 50% of the confirmed cases relate to the nervous system and joining of organs. It also pointed out that the rate of deformities was particularly high in Jabaliya, Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahiya districts, which witnessed the most intense Israeli bombing during the war.

The report attributes this increased number of deformities to the use of weapons containing toxic and radioactive elements. The citizen Anwar Abed Al-Ghfor, who lives in Gaza, said that his wife was in her first month of pregnancy when the Israeli war started on Gaza. White phosphorus bombs targeted the neighborhood where he lives. After 9 months of her pregnancy she delivered a deformed baby who lived 3 months then died!!

Dr. Muawiya Hassanin, the spokesman of the Ministry of Health in Gaza, said that after a year of the Israeli war on Gaza serious results and indicators of using internationally banned weapons have emerged. Besides, using toxic gas, white phosphorus, and weapons doctors did not know before. He said that the results of these weapons appeared a year later as there are 75 cases of deform fetus and newborn of both males and females, in Gaza.

These deformed newborns need special effort to treat them, he added. Dr. Hassanein said: “in addition to deformity of fetus, the sterility in young men and women has risen. This is also proved by international academic institutions and universities in Italy, Sweden and the United States because they took samples from the patients”. He added that Italian research centers in cooperation with human rights organizations published their findings with evidences. He pointed out that there is another serious indicator as the number of blood cancers patients has risen too.

Comment: There needs to be an international medical force to enter Gaza to examine the people for other possible abnormalities. It is clear that the weapons used by Israel on Gaza has caused many illnesses and injuries. The weapons supplied, no doubt by Israels supporters such as the US and the UK. They are also guilty of these war crimes.

Israeli bombings of the Gaza Strip in 2006 and in the war this year have left a high concentration of toxic metals in its soil, according to the findings of a study by a weapons research group made up of independent doctors and scientists based in Italy. Doctors in Gaza believe the toxic waste, along with the trauma of war, is the reason they’re seeing a high number of babies with birth defects. Sherine Tadros reports from Gaza.

Arabic Translation by Amal Hamdy in comments..Thanks a lot

In 2010 (75-deformed-babies-caused-by-the-war):Gaza, January 14, 2010 (Pal Telegraph) - Recent scientific analyses have shown that the war was a direct cause of the increasing numbers of birth defects, miscarriages and cancer in the Gaza Strip. A report by Conscience Organisation for Human Rights concerning the environmental and health dangers resulting from the bombardment and invasion revealed that incidents of children born with deformities have risen markedly in the Gaza Strip.

Rise in birth defects after Israeli war alarms Gazans.


 Some Scientific References:

Google Scholar search
Gaza war and white phosphorus
Human Right Watch: White Phosphorus
WHO-Depleted Uranium
Heart defects: Who is responsible?

January 27, 2010 Posted by Elias

River to Sea
 Uprooted Palestinian

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