
Saturday 9 January 2010


Desert Peace

January 9, 2010 at 11:53 am (Barack Obama, Corrupt Politics, DesertPeace Editorial, Fatah, Gaza, Genocide, Israel, Occupation, Palestine, War Crimes)

Image from Al-Ahram

Something is cooking…. and smelling rather foul! Israel is ‘reaching out’ to Fatah to renew ‘Peace Talks’ on one phone, while on the other is giving orders to bomb Gaza.

Are we seeing the ’final solution’ in the making as far as Gaza is concerned?

The picture seems clear, the Egyptian wall, the unrelenting siege, the war games Israel is playing now to get ready for a new invasion, to this time, occupy Gaza and hand it over to those who work with Israel, Mahmoud Abbas in particular. 

Could this also be a good practice run for a possible upcoming war on Iran. Practice makes perfect you know. Never mind how many Muslims are murdered. And all of this under the watchful eye and approval of Obama and his zionist oriented cabinet.

U.S. President Obama seems to have started his campaign for reelction already by ‘concentrating’ on internal issues and closing his eyes to the slaughter of the Palestinians.

He’s got to morph into George W. now if he stands any chance of being more than a one term President. With Clinton and other right of centre Democrats on his coat tails and the Republicans foaming at the mouth with their growing “tea parties”, this is what will shape the path of his decision making now.

One of Obama’s biggest mistakes was not focusing on the Middle East and standing up to Israel early on, forcing them to do the deed and make peace early enough in his term as President, so he’d have enough time to recover from the zionist AIPAC fallout and then use the Peace Deal as a victory and proof of his election promises to then focus on his next run for election. He has left it far too late for this term in office. Now any peace deal can only be one that Israel wants, no matter how badly the result is for Palestinians. We are witnessing Obama’s desperate attempt to save his own arse, at any cost. And as always, it is the Palestinians that will suffer.

In America itself, there is a very bleak picture. With Obama’s approval ratings in the basement and heading for somewhere underground. There is no chance of him standing up to Israel or the war mongers within America, not if he wants to have even a remote chance of re-election. All those cross over voters, Republicans and independents, won’t be voting for him again. And what of the Democrats themselves? No harmony there either, judging from the fiasco of Obama’s healthcare package war and ultimate watered down approval.

So as always, Palestine cannot depend on America to help stop the genocide of its people. We are heading into the 62nd year of the most brutal occupation of the century, how much longer must it be before the world at large helps put a stop to it? Do we have to see a replay of a Cast Lead before this happens? Do we have to see the issuance of another report condemning such actions??

Enough with the reports!

We want PEACE!!

We want FREEDOM!!

We want STATEHOOD!!!
N O W !!!!

Hamas asks Palestinian forces to confront Abbas attempt to return to negotiation

[ 09/01/2010 - 09:54 AM ]

GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas has warned of the seriousness of ideas being circulated by the Ramallah authority topped by former PA chief Mahmoud Abbas on the return to negotiations with the Israeli occupation authority (IOA).

Dr. Salah Al-Bardawil, the spokesman of Hamas's parliamentary bloc, told the PIC on Friday night that the ideas published in the Palestinian daily Al-Ayam on resumption of the futile negotiations should be confronted by all forces in the Palestinian arena.

He stressed that negotiations over the past two decades only led to more usurpation of Palestinian land and the imposition of de facto situations that allowed the IOA to stabilize its occupation of the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem.

Bardawil charged that the return to negotiations would only buy more time for the IOA to evade international prosecution for its war crimes.

The spokesman expressed surprise at the keenness on resuming negotiations while attention should be accorded to reuniting the Palestinian ranks.

River to Sea
 Uprooted Palestinian

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