
Friday, 23 April 2010

The definition of Zionism

Frustrated Arab's Diary
The Treaty of Versailles
is one of the many fathers of Israel.
(also father to , Lebanon,Jordan,Palestine,Iraq,
and the reduced-Syria , too)

One may argue whether Zionism is Racism or not .
Myself , I do not argue anymore, 
because I do know that it is pure racism.

But one thing is left as inarguable......
that is  : Zionism is a pure Colonialism.

But now  ,
we can argue whether Colonialism, by itself, is Racism .

So , I may repeat what I wrote , but in the reverse form :
Racism leads to colonialism ,
which if is then applied only by the Jews ,
and for the benefit of the Jews only
 then,  we can call it : Zionism.....
which makes
the Zionism as a Jewish-Colonialism.....

Undoubtedly  and because,
it is reserved only for one kind of people,
against a specific ( other) sort  of people,
so it becomes automatically  also racism.

Conclusion :
Zionism is a Jewish-Racist-Colonialism
which is in fact , a super-Racism !!

The United Nation´s General Assembly
(1978) agreed on this definition :
" Zionism is a form of Racism "
but Papa-Bush did not like it ....
and then he made the UN to revoke this declaration in 1992......
which makes Jewish- Racism as an excusable-crime
or an ignorable-crime or a forgivable-crime........
or simply said :
Zionism is the accepted face
a jewish-racism combined with a classical-colonialism
(acceptable that is , as long as, the USA shall exist).

So please open up all your dictionaries
and correct them (by hand) using the above definition.

Or please change it at the Wikipedia site
and tell them, I said so !!

That is me,Raja ChemayelRaja Chemayelcorrector of dictionaries

Posted by Тлакскала at 9:14 PM

That is me,Raja Chemayel

an Arab-Lebanese, a Christian by birth, a muslim by culture and a democrat by nature - كلبناني عربي، مسيحي بالولادة، إسلامي الثقافة وديمقراطي بالطبيعة

River to Sea  Uprooted Palestinian

1 comment:

  1. I have given thought in the past to a definition, and modified it thanks to your thoughts.
    But isn't the target of Zionism location specific?

    ........Zionists are people who accept the right of Jews to depose Arabs from their land. .......
