
Friday 14 May 2010

Palestine is not Jewish - A Comment by Charles D. Ward (Antizist and shoe thrower)

Charles D. Ward said...
My dear friends.

I read some of your blog because I was one of the "shoers" mentionened in the following post, which is how I found you.

I want to thank you, more than a year too late, for your coverage of this deed of direct antizionist action.

The world must know of both the suffering of Palestine in the zionist chokehold, and of the resistance that lives in our hearts.

Palestine is not Jewish. But it is not Muslim either.
Palestine is a strangled land. This asphyxiation must stop. It must be free. Free for Arabs to live happy lives... unoppressed. But also free for Jews. The problem is not the Jewish religion and it is not the Jewish ethnicity. The problem is the racist, oppressive political construct called zionism.

I hope one day Palestine can be a land where Arabs and Jews live in peace, cooperate, and are allowed equal rights to be happy.

I too do not believe in the two state solution. Unrealistic.

I am a socialist. Here in the Netherlands. It is a country in which Muslims are very much discriminated. Racist country. I fight against this. Many of us do.

Islamophobia here is much more widespread than antisemitism.

But think about this. No matter if you are Arab or Jew, Shiite or Hassidic, you are first and foremost human.

You deserve the same rights. The fact that Arabs have less rights under zionism makes me an enemy of "Israel". I condone actions of HAMAS even if I do not support religious ideology. Zionism must be broken. "Israel" must be broken.

But I need to stress this: you must think of Jews as fellow humans, not ever anything less. Jews are not your enemy. Zionism is your enemy. We are all equal in the end.

If you blame "the Jews" you are no better than the zionists who blame "the Arabs" or "the Muslims" or disrespect Islam.


We all deserve to live in peace.

Warm regards and keep up the struggle,
Bart Romeijn
Antizionist activist and shoe thrower

Bel Roh - Bel Dam
Nafdiqi ya Falastin


Dear Bart
Thank you for supporting our cause and our human rights, and shoe throwing.

I agree with you, and would like to clarify few points:

• A Muslim can't be a Muslim unless he believes in all Prophets, and messengers. Early Muslims were either Infidels, or Jews, or Christians. So unlike deformed Judaism all humans are equal.

• The term Islam in Arabic Language is "peace" and "surrender to the One God"

• According to our Holly Quran, there is one God, and one Religion. Judaism and Christianity are two earlier stations (versions) of that One Religion.

• If you believe in God then you are a Muslim, if you believe in Prophet Mohamed message (Peace upon him) you are besides being Muslim you are a Moemin (Believing the Message of Mohamed).

• Despite you blood, your color, to be a Muslim you should believe in God (And if you don't you are still a Human)

• Unlike deformed Judaism you don't have to have Muslim mother, to be a Muslim or a human being.

Having said that, our struggle is against Zionism as colonizing project, against oppression, for liberation of our people under occupation for our right to return and live in peace in our home land.

Kindly read Nahida's great piece,
links to her other writings are on the right slidebar

Thank you for your support and your comment.


River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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