
Thursday 3 June 2010

Abu Zuhri: Arabs evading responsibility

[ 03/06/2010 - 10:52 AM ]

GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas spokesman Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri has charged that the Arab countries' decision to refer the issue of the Gaza siege to the UN Security Council was an evasion of responsibility.

Abu Zuhri in a press release on Thursday said that the Arab foreign ministers' decision taken at a late hour on Wednesday night was "disappointing".

He said that the Palestinian people want deeds rather than words, adding that it was no longer understandable that Arab officials refer the siege issue to the UNSC while refusing permanent opening of the Arab border crossing with Gaza.

The spokesman said that his movement appreciated efforts by numerous Arab parties to balance the Arab position, demanding continuation of pressure to end the siege.

Arab League secretary general Amr Mousa stated after the emergency Arab foreign ministers' conference in Cairo that Lebanon, in its capacity as the current UNSC member, was assigned to call for a meeting for the UNSC and demand an appropriate resolution to condemn and lift the Israeli siege.

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