
Tuesday 8 June 2010

Arab MK Receives Death threats for participation in freedom flotilla

[ 08/06/2010 - 02:02 PM ]

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- A feverish campaign of incitement is still raging against Arab Knesset members who receive daily death threats from other right-wing members and Israeli extremists.

Arab Knesset members Hanin Al-Zoabi, Ahmed Al-Tibi and Taleb al Sana said that received death threats by emails and phone calls from extreme right-wing parties in Israel.

They also received an email from Knesset right-winger Michael Ben-Ari in which he threatened to liquidate first Zoabi and then Tibi and Sana.

Israel’s channel two reported that the Israel police arrested an extremist from Tel Aviv after he incited Israelis to kill Zoabi on the facebook website.

The channel added that the police obtained about 500 death threats against Zoabi made by identified parties.

In this context, an ad hoc Knesset committee decided on Monday to strip Zoabi of three parliamentary privileges as a member of parliament, which are, the withdrawal of her diplomatic passport, not covering the expenses of any judicial proceeding against her, depriving her of the right to freedom of movement outside Israel.

For her part, Zoabi strongly denounced the decision which was issued to punish her for her participation in the Freedom Flotilla convoy and described it as racist and anti-democratic.

Zoabi also said the decision on Monday was a political persecution against her and affirmed she would file a complaint with the higher justice court in this regard.

Arab MK Receives Death threats for participation in freedom flotilla

Via A4P

June 4, 2010 
IMEMC -  3 June 2010
Arab Member of Knesset Hanin Zo’by was given a security detail after she received several death threats for her participation in the Freedom Flotilla, the convoy of aid ships that was raided Monday by Israeli forces before it could reach Gaza.
The office of Zo’by stated that she received dozens of death threats by phone and email, and that some of the messages included direct death threats while other messages “wishes her fast death,” and wishes that she “would lose her family,” the same way activists were shot and killed when the army attacked the Freedom Flotilla.
During a Knesset session on Thursday, Hanin was repeatedly disrupted during her speech while some members of Knesset even tried to attack her physically.
Several Knesset members tried to silence her and then attacked her when she stated that the Israeli attack against the solidarity ships on Monday, and the killing of the peace activists is “a criminal act and an act of piracy”.
Zo’by stated that deaths threats will not stop her from defending human rights and added that she will participate in upcoming solidarity ships “whether the racists like it or not.”
She is one of 12 Arab legislators at the Israeli Knesset, and was arrested when the army attacked the ships and kidnapped the activists.
During the Knesset session, legislators of several parties including Kadima, Labor and Likud, described her as a “Trojan horse, terrorist, and traitor,” and called for expelling her out of the Knesset and out of the country.
Member of Knesset, Anastasia Michaeli, of the fundamentalist Yisrael Beiteinu Party, shouted at Zo’by and went up to the podium to physically attack Zo’by and shouted “why is this woman allowed to speak” and “go to Gaza” . She tried to physically attack Zo’by but the guards intervened.
Legislators of the Kadima and the Likud tried to attack Zo’by while she was on her way to the stage and uttered dirty words and slurs at her.
Fundamentalist Israeli Legislators Interrupt Arab MK’s Speech, Call For Deporting Her To Gaza
IMEMC -  3 June 2010

Several fundamentalist members of Knesset attacked Arab legislator Hanin Zo’by, Wednesday, during a discussion of Israel’s deadly raid against the Gaza-bound humanitarian Freedom Flotilla.
Zo’by was onboard one of the solidarity ships heading to Gaza and was also kidnapped by the army during the attack.
Knesset member of the Likud party, Miri Regev, tried to remove Zo’by by force during her speech and shouted “go to Gaza, traitor.”
Member of Knesset, Anastasia Michaeli, also attacked Zo’by by shouts and physical assault and shouted “you should go to Gaza, traitor.”
Several extremist legislators shouted against Zo’by, disrupted her speech and said she should not be allowed to speak.
The speeches of Arab members of Knesset Mohammad Baraka and Jamal Zahalka were also disrupted by fundamentalist legislators who said that “the freedom flotilla is a terrorist campaign.”
The fundamentalist Israeli legislators went on to demand that Arab legislators must be deported to Gaza.
Acting government head in Israel, Silvan Shalom, demanded deporting Zo’by and sheikh Raed Salah, head of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement, to the Gaza Strip, and called for stripping them from their Israeli citizenship.
Kadima member of Knesset, Yoal Hason, also demanded “voiding” the citizenship of Zo’by for being part of the freedom flotilla.
Hason said that Zo’by “should not be allowed to remain in Israel without preconditions”, and added that her diplomatic passport must be withdrawn and she must be punished.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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