
Tuesday 8 June 2010

Egyptian authorities refuse entry of construction material via Rafah terminal

Phraroah rejected the Qatar's Bid to Rebuild Gaza being "Difficult to Digest". Arabs Doctors Union thought that the Blood of Freedom Flotilla Activists refreshed his rotten digest system, they hoped he would allow sending construction and other relief materials to the Gaza Strip via the Rafah border terminal.
But his zio-master has the final say:

Egyptian authorities refuse entry of construction material via Rafah terminal

[ 06/06/2010 - 08:48 AM ]

GAZA, (PIC)-- The Egyptian authorities have turned down a request by the Arab doctors union (ADU) to send construction and other relief materials to the Gaza Strip via the Rafah border terminal.

Munir Al-Barsh, the representative of the ADU in Gaza, told the PIC late Saturday that the ADU office in Cairo asked the Egyptian authorities to allow the entry of 220 tons of food aid and 200 tons of cement and other construction material into Gaza but the request was denied.

He explained that the aid shipments were currently stored in El-Arish city awaiting Egyptian permission to send them to Gaza, adding that the rejection was not justified after Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak issued orders to open the crossing both ways until further notice.

Cairo had opened the crossing after the Israeli massacre against the Freedom Flotilla, carrying aid to Gaza, in the international waters, and allowed entry of power generators and exit of Palestinian citizens over the past five days.

Egyptian aid convoy en route to Gaza

[ 05/06/2010 - 10:08 AM ]

CAIRO, (PIC)-- Egyptian (Muslim Brother) MP Dr. Hazem Farouk has announced that a land convoy would head to Gaza on Monday loaded with construction material in implementation of the Arab League resolution and in harmony with Egyptian authorities' indefinite opening of the Rafah crossing.

Farouk, who was one of the Egyptian MPs taking part in the Freedom Flotilla, said in a press statement on Friday that insistence on breaking the siege on Gaza would never be forsaken.

The lawmaker said that the blood of martyrs shed in the Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla would not go in vain.

Meanwhile, thousands of Egyptians hit the streets of various cities after the Friday congregation denouncing the Israeli bloody attack on the peaceful Flotilla that was carrying humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip.

The demonstrators called for closing the Israeli embassy in Cairo and for expelling the Israeli ambassador.

They called for trying the Israeli war criminals, breaking the siege on Gaza, and retaining the Rafah crossing open on permanent basis.


Flashback: in case you missed the "Palestinian Idiot"

He is alway certain, at least almost certain, He has well-reasoned and informed sources, especialy on Sryian and Zionist Affairs.

Based on his Source he used to drop his heavy Bombshells

When Israel freed Hamas Palestinian Legislative Council Speaker Aziz Dweik after three years in prison, he (Dropped zolli's Bombshell): [I am sure that this was a part of the deal]....." the deal of Imminent moving shalit to Cairo as Part of US Initiative.
The "Palestinian" Idiot predicted that Assad's call for regional alliance shall deliver a joint Syrian-Iraqi-Turkish-Israeli-U.S.-Iranian military exercises pretty soon?

All the Time he was spreading the Zio-Propaganda about USA/Iran Tango, and we have seen the real "Tanqo" in Tehran and Beirut streets.

He  called Hamas "to transform itself into a true revolutionary movement and not align itself with the reactionary Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and in Jordan, who traditionally have been used by Western powers. Instead it will need to align itself with progressive forces in Egypt and make toppling the Pharaoh a top priority."
All the time he was dreaming that  Pharoah shall produce a domisticated Hamas
Who Domisticated whome??

Years ago I smelled a Fat Rat

How do you spell IDIOT?


Now meet our  Neo-"Handhala"

Pharoah is not the enemy??

"Only apologizing to Egypt in a public press conference can make one forgive these fatal mistakes which made Egypt sound as THE enemy deflecting our sight from the real enemy and the real reason behind all this atrocities that Gazans and Palestinians live in, ISRAEL."


Ramullah Traitor, Neopatriots of Rizzostine On: Viva Palestina, Siege and the Wall of Shame
Proposals to Rectify Common Activist Errors. What about Your Sins??

And now the Latest from Rizzostine: The Justice of Executing Criminals?

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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