
Tuesday 8 June 2010

Israel Trying to Impose Own Flotilla Probe, Pending US Green Light

08/06/2010 The Israeli leadership is convinced that the Freedom flotilla massacre has isolated the Zionist state internationally; however the political level remains in denial.

The head of the opposition Kadima party, Tzipi Livni has accused Benjamin Netanyahu’s government of running away from its responsibility in the wake of the deadly raid that has isolated Israel. Livni said that a public relations campaign cannot replace an effective, yet absent diplomacy.

So far, the Israeli Knesset has turned down three motions of no-confidence for Netanyahu’s government.

Beside international isolation, Israel has been drowning in the quick sand of global calls for an international probe into the massacre it committed last week in international waters. Such probe would further shatter Israel’s image particularly when Turkey can provide concrete proof that some of its nine martyrs were shot execution style at very close ranges.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who is on top of the list of leaders to blame for the crime said that his government was ready to make an internal probe that would determine the extent that the blockade on Gaza is in line with the international law, in a clear sign that the Zionist entity is ready to discuss the 1000 day siege of a Palestinian population of three million.

With the help of its main ally, the U.S., Israel is wasting no time in trying to form and impose an Israeli commission as a fait accompli to look into the deadly raid.
Israel is trying to compile a list of candidates to head an inquiry, which is likely to include foreign observers, according to Israeli media.

“We have a chance to set the conditions of forming the suggested commission, that is to say we are ready to invite international experts for form the panel in line with Israel’s terms with regards to its members and its jurisdiction, and we have to recruit (US President Barack) Obama to support this step,” Professor Gerald Steinberg, an Israeli expert in international relations told the Israeli channel 10 Monday.

Israel has already been blamed for the massacre last week and was showered with statements of condemnation from virtually every country in the world. However, it has rejected a United Nations proposal to hold an international inquiry.

Apparently Israel has already determined the conclusion of its commission’s inquiry, which is yet to be formed.

Yedioth Aharonoth said that the commission “would question only members of the political echelon, and the IDF's position would be presented via the military inquest into the raid, which determined that Israel, for the most part, operated appropriately.”

The seven-minister forum, which includes – apart form Netanyahu – Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe Yaalon, Minister of Intelligence Services Dan Meridor, Minister Benny Begin (Likud) and Shas Chairman Eli Yishai, is set to mull the option further on Tuesday, prior to presenting it to the government for a vote, on Sunday.

According to the Jerusalem Post, Netanyahu’s government is awaiting a "green light" from the United States and other sources on a separate proposal for how to investigate the incident. A senior government source noted that if the type of panel proposed, and its mandate, is not acceptable to Washington and does not enjoy the backing of the Obama administration, there is no point in establishing it," JPost added.

Netanyahu turned down the formula proposed by Ban Ki-moon, and every day that passes by Israel publishes new data with the hope to stack off the demands for an international inquiry. There has also been an Israeli proposal to ease off the blockade of Gaza in return for ruling out an international probe,” Ayala Hasson, an Israeli political analyst told Israeli television Monday.

Israel is also worried about the ‘irreparable’ deterioration of its ties with Turkey, because the Zionist state would lose some security and strategic benefits. Yedioth Aharonoth has quoted Israeli security officials as expressing deep concern about Turkey closing an Israeli intelligence station involved in operating against Iran which would cause Tel Aviv to lose its ‘nose and ears’ in Iran’s backyard.

“The Turks are moving towards Iran through the backdoor and Hezbollah is benefiting from this.

Turkish flags and coffins draped with Turkish flags were shown in Beirut. (Hezbollah S.G. Sayyed Hasan) Nasrallah even gave a Turkish television a special interview through which he addressed the Turkish people in Arabic,” Tsevi Yitzhaki, an Israeli expert in Arab affairs told the Israeli television.

The Israeli media said that a group of military officers had sent Netanyahu and chief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi a letter to denounce the way the Freedom flotilla issue was handled. They said that the operation has brought political and military disasters on Israel.

Turkey defends it's citizens when they're murdered by Israelis, the United States of Israel does nothing when Israelis murder U.S. citizens
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