
Thursday 17 June 2010

Israeli Nazism is the root-cause

Palestine Free Voice

From Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank

15 June, 2010

"a message to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, and other stupid Arab leaders, to thoroughly comprehend and act upon as well. Because otherwise they would continue to chase the American mirage, mistaking it for water"

A landscape in peril after the Zionist Israeli chemical war on Gaza
Photo Fady Adwan/PalestineFreeVoice Image

Ever since the criminal piracy against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on 31 May, Israeli and Zionist leaders have been spreading all sorts of obscene lies to justify the colossal crime of knowingly slaughtering innocent peace activists in international water.

Needless to say, this poisoned and nearly totally mendacious propaganda stems from the racist Zionist view that the lives of non-Jews have no sanctity.

However, since the Zionist propaganda machine can’t say so openly for purely certain reasons having to do with public relations, it indulges rather intensely in the task of covering up this shamelessness with sheer lies and pornographic disinformation.

Such naked lies are not a legitimate view point, or a legitimate narrative of what really happened. The lies are actually a well-calculated dirty tactic intended to con, deceive, and dupe the world. In short, lying is and has always been the Israeli policy.

Benyamin Netanyahu, an irredeemable liar by any standard of imagination, has been claiming that Israel must take every measure and precaution to ensure that weapons don’t reach Gaza.

Needless to say, this is another pornographic lie by a people who are supposed to follow the Biblical commandment of “thou shall not lie.”

Netanyahu and fellow sick cohorts do realize deep in their hearts that the Gaza Freedom Flotilla carried no arms, and that only aid activists and some humanitarian materials, including a symbolic shipment of cement, wheel chairs and other basic consumer products were on board.

Indeed, the entire mantra about weapons is a virulent distraction from the beginning to the end; it is a lie that is intended to justify, prolong and perpetuate the Nazi-like campaign to starve, savage, torment and demonize the people of Gaza.

It is an obscene falsehood that has not an iota of truth. It is a satanic tactic that is meant to make a Nazi act of nefarious proportions look legitimate or at least rational.

We all know that the criminal siege on Gaza started long before January 2006, when Hamas scored a landslide victory in the Palestinian general elections. We also know that the real goal behind the suffocating siege is to force the Palestinian people to give up their enduring quest for freedom and justice.

Some of the shipyard dogs of the Israeli hasbara claim that Israel has to wage total war against the people of Gaza, and the Palestinians in general, because Hamas refuses to recognize Israel and insists on restoring Palestinian rights.

Well, does Israel recognize the Palestinian people? So why should Hamas recognize an entity that refuses to recognize the very existence of the Palestinian people, especially its right to liberty and self determination.?

In the final analysis, Israel just exposes its pornographically mendacious discourse by constantly trying to justify its brutal crimes against the Palestinians and international solidarity activists, including Turks, by the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the holocaust.

To be sure, the blockaded Gazans, who are fighting for their very physical survival, have every right to acquire the means to defend themselves. In fact, acquiring weapons, which is not the goal of international activism working to lift the Nazi-like siege, would be an act of love and charity just as helping the defenders of Ghetto Warsaw repulse Nazi barbarianism was an act of charity and love.

What is more charitable than saving children and other civilians being shelled and incinerated by White Phosphorus and other agents of death?

In the final analysis, Gaza is the Ghetto Warsaw of our time, just as the Israelis, in light of what they have been doing recently, including the blitzkrieg against Gaza last year, are the Nazis of our time, and their armies and security services are the Wehrmacht, Gestapo and SS of our time.

However, unlike the Nazis, the arrogant Zio-Nazis are using carefully fabricated lies to justify their ugly crimes in the eyes of the world.

Some Zionists would claim that Israel has to do what it does, namely murdering innocent people, in order to save Jewish lives.

In fact, the sick arguments used to justify Israeli criminality are endless. When they murder a Palestinian child on his or her way to school, they argue that this child had to be killed now lest he or she grew up to pose a threat to a Jew.

When they murder a farmer, say one working in his field, they would raise infinitely disgusting questions such as “can we be absolutely sure that the victim was not planning to kill Jews, or wouldn’t be planning to do so at one point in his life?.”

One Zionist writer sought to justify the Gaza Freedom massacre by arguing that it is always better to be unpopular rather than dead. The Nazi-minded writer would have us believe that the Zio-Nazis had no choice but to slaughter the activists because all that the soldiers were trying to do was actually to prevent imminent death facing Israelis.!

In the final analysis, the unspoken Israeli argument goes like this: I have the right to kill you and your children, because your life has no sanctity for not being a member of the “holy tribe. “

I have the right to take over your home and your land and your every thing and humiliate you and starve you in every way I see fit, and if you try to resist, I will call you “terrorist” or “anti-Semite” and claim that you are trying to carry out a holocaust against Jews.

And don’t you ever try to mobilize the world against Israel , because Israel doesn’t give a damn about what the rest of the world thinks. !

This is the Israeli discourse, or the poisoned Zionazi ideology behind the barbarian attack on Mavi Marmara, which is unlikely to be the last.

With this nefarious way of thinking in mind, it wouldn’t be far-fetched to presume that Israel is mentally capable of doing the unthinkable against the Palestinian people, including genocide.

Such a hair-raising possibility would be less unlikely than many people would think thanks to the western, especially American, policy of okaying almost every thing Israel says or does.

The American refusal to condemn Israel’s maritime carnage, along with the reluctance to insist that a genuine, independent and credible inquiry commission be formed to look into the naked crime in international waters show that the US government is more of a super-whore than a superpower when it comes to basic morality and justice.

As such, it is futile to pin any hope on the Obama administration to pressure Israel to end the occupation that started in 1967.

This is a message to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, and other stupid Arab leaders, to thoroughly comprehend and act upon as well. Because otherwise they would continue to chase the American mirage, mistaking it for water
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Posted by Editor Publisher Hiyam Noir at 6/16/2010 03:34:00 PM

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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