
Wednesday 9 June 2010

Jewish rabbis storm the Aqsa with security protection

[ 09/06/2010 - 10:15 AM ]

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Senior Jewish rabbis stormed the holy Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem on Tuesday passing through the Maghareba gate under protection of Israeli occupation police.

Palestinian sources said that the rabbis climbed over the roof of the holy site and toured the area.

Dr. Taleb Abu Shaar, the Awkaf and religious affairs minister in Gaza Strip, lashed out at the Israeli occupation authority for allowing the "sacrilegious visit".

He described the step as "unethical" and in violation of heavenly religions, pointing out that the rabbis stepped with their shoes on the holy site.

The minister warned of the continued targeting of the holy site, which falls in line with attempts to judaize occupied Jerusalem and the holy Aqsa compound.

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