
Monday 7 June 2010

Livni to Netanyahu: You Destroyed Israel's Stance in World


07/06/2010 Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni on Monday submitted a motion of no-confidence motion in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government regarding the Israeli raid on the Gaza flotilla last week, saying that Israel could have avoided the international isolation which it now faced.

In presenting the motion, the Kadima chairwoman accused the government of destroying Israel's stance in the world and in effect, its security in the Middle East.

"We have full faith in the State of Israel, in its values and in its citizens. But the current government of Israel is not representing the state to the world," Livni claimed. "This government needs to understand… either a Palestinian state on our conditions, or a Hamastan that results from inaction and failure."

"Israel is facing a difficult time right now, perhaps the most difficult in our history," Livni said. "This is not just a temporary event that will pass. This is a continuous process under which Israel is becoming isolated from the world."

"International isolation carried with it difficult implications on Israel's stance in the region, this difficult neighborhood in which we live."

"It is possible to recruit the world to Israel's interests," Livni declared. "Our strategy of diplomacy and security is based on two things," she said. "One: our relationship with the US that directly impacts Israel's stance in the world; and two: the process to end the [Middle East] conflict and reach an arrangement that ensures Israel's defense."

"This way to do it is this: We must isolate Hamas, which is not a partner to peace or to an arrangement with a legitimate Palestinian government."

"We have full faith in the Israeli forces," Livni added. "But we have no faith in a government hat brings Israel into the difficult position of isolation that prevents the army from acting when needed."

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