
Wednesday, 23 June 2010

President McChrystal?



This man is dangerous — and in his eagerness not to appear weak, Obama has foolishly allowed himself to be cornered. If Obama backs down, McChrystal will be vindicated; the president is indeed a wimp. If Obama asserts his authority and fires McChrystal, he will forever be blamed for ‘losing Afghanistan’. The general wins either way. However, the latter case is more worrying.

Now that Petraeus is out as a potential nemesis after fainting at the congressional hearing, it means in 2012 Obama will be running against an ambitious, telegenic, and media savvy potential GOP candidate with all the braggadocio and machismo that appeals to everyone from the Christian Right to Thomas Friedman.

You can read the Rolling Stone article here.  Also, see Alyona Minkovski of RT interview with Lawrence Wilkerson and neocon James Carafano. (Unlike the two commentaros, Col. Pat Lang is unequivocal: Obama must fire McChrystal.)

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