
Wednesday 9 June 2010

Turkish 9/11 and more flotilla wars

Rehmat's World

June 9, 2010

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu who was in Washingtion last Tuesday, called the Israeli cammandos’ murder spree on Turkish vessel at international waters, psychological equivalent of “9/11 for Turkey” adding: “I am not very happy with the statemenst from United States yesterday”. He was referring to Obama administration being acting as a perfect Israeli poodle by steadfastly avoiding to blame the Zionist entity for its latest slap on the face of the international community amid nearly universal condemnation.

A native Palestinian member of Israeli Knesset (parliament), Haneen Zoubi (Balad), has received death threats from the Zionazi terrorist groups for joining the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and may lose her seat (watch video below).

The ‘Israel-Firsters’ in Obama administration are trying their best to separate Israel’s latest terrorism in the Mediterranian from its plan to impose another round of crippling sanctions against the Islamic Republic for the later’s nuclear program. The Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, Bill Burns (a Zionist Jew) told an audience at the America’s most influential Jewish think tank, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in Washington: “We intend to continue to move ahead a resolution in New York focused squarely on the reality that Iran has thus far been unwilling to engage with the international community on the concern that the IAEA underscored again yesterday”.

Hillary Clinton along with the ‘Israel-First’ dominated Obama administration realizes that Israeli raids on Freedom Flotilla has made it almost impossible for it to get the new sanctions bill against Iran passed in the UNSC. The bill would require ‘no veto’ from the five permanent UNSC members and four non-permanent members of the 15-member international body. Turkey, Brazil and Lebanon are certainly not going to jump into USrael bed – and there are rumours that Mexico and some other members will abstain. Both Russia and China has lauded the Turkey-Iran-Brazil nuclear material swap deal and would not be joining the US, France and Britain to support new sanctions against Iran. A group of US nuclear experts and diplomats, too, has praised the deal brokered by Brazil and Turkey, calling it a potential “first step” toward ratcheting down the tension between the West and the Islamic Republic.

To help Hillary & Co. DEBKAfile, a website married to Israeli Mossad fired a new ‘smoking gun’ on June 8, saying that Osama Bin Laden along with Ayman Al-Zawahiri and five other high-ranking Al-Qaeda leaders have been hiding in Sabzevar (Iran) under Tehran’s protection and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his intelligence chiefs (most of whom are Crypto-Jews and closer to Mossad than Turkish government) are well aware of that. This shows how low the Zionist facists can stoop. Most people know that Israel has been trying for decades to push Americans in war with Iran – but now they are planning against their oldest ally in the region to become a military target for Washington. One wonder, when would Israel’s major ally (the US) would reach a point to be slaughtered by the Zionists?

In order to tighten screws on the outlaw state, several groups have announced to wage more flotilla attacks on Israel. British MP, George Galloway, while addressing a 20,000-strong anti-Israel protest rally infront of Israeli embassy in London on June 5, announced that he plans to send two simultaneous convoys – one by land and other by Sea.  The convoy by land will have 500 vehicles and the convoy by Sea will consist of 60 vessels – filled with humanitarian aid and volunteers to break the siege of Gaza. The land convoy will start from London and travel across Europe to Turkey, Syria and ultimately through the Rafah crossing (Egypt) into Gaza. The Sea convoy will travel around the Mediterranean, gathering vessels, cargo, volunteers from each country – destination besieged 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza Strip.

A German-Jewish organization Jewish Voice for Peace in Middle East has announced to take a “Jewish Flotilla” to Gaza Strip in July. According to its organizer, Kate Leitrer, 12 to 16 Jews aid workers and musicians will travel in one small craft carrying school equipment, candy and mainly musical instruments. “By stopping the flotilla, Israel acted criminally. Israel must not act like pirates. Jews have been to Gaza in the past, and were treated in a friendly manner. We have also talked with them (Hamas) recently, and they are very keen for us to come. We are frightened by what happened on the Marmara (Turkish vessel), but if you are committed to do good things, you have to act. People were also killed in the fight against (Judo-Nazi) fascism”.

Islamic Republic’s Red Crescent has announced to send two aid ships to Gaza later this week. The ships will carry food, medicine, doctors and volunteers. A previous such attempt was stopped by Israeli navy, but the latest attempts comes amid reports that Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards have expressed their readiness to escort the aid flotillas to Gaza. Iran’s foreign ministry has also given approval to it on Sunday.

The UN Security Council has called for a “prompt, impartial, credible and transparent” investigation into Israel’s pre-planned attack on aid flotillas. Washington has sided with Tel Aviv pretending that Zionist entity can be trusted with conducting a “prompt, impartial, crediable and transparent investigation conforming to international satndard”! In response to Washington ZOG, an Istanbul court has opened a criminal investigation in the nine Turkish aid workers murdered at close-range by the Jewish soldiers during attack on Gaza Freedom Flotilla. Prosecutor Mehmet Tastan has charged Benjamin Netanyahu (PM), Gen. Ehud Barak (DM) and Gen. Gabi Ashkenasi (CJS) with piracy, assualt, murder, kidnapping and arbitrary imprisonment. A similar criminal investigation in a British court may follow.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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