
Monday 6 September 2010

Israel: ‘Tehran pays Taliban to kill US soldiers’

Rehmat's World

The British daily ‘The Sunday Times’ (owned by Zionist Rupert Murdoch) has come-up with another Israeli hasbara cocky ‘smoking gun’.

It claims that Tehran is paying US$1,000 to Taliban for every American soldier they kill. Last year, The Telegraph, another newspaper owned by Murdoch had claimed that Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad has Jewish roots.

“Iran will never stop funding us because Americans are dangerous for them as well. I think the hatred is the same from both us and Iran. The money we get is not dirty. It is for jihad,” The daily quoted its reliable source. Is it any different than the tens of millions of dollars the US paid to Afghan Mujahideen to kill Russian soldiers in the 1980s?

Furthermore, US has been paying Jewish Army $3 billion annually to kill Palestinian and Lebanese youth and American soldiers in Iraq. The Pentagon had paid US$800-1,000 per week to the US mercenaries in Iraq.

Since now, Gen. David Petraeus (aka ‘mlitary poodle of Zionism’) is commanding the US-NATO occupation forces in Afghanistan – we will be hearing a lot of such Israeli jokes.

During a Senate hearing (April 8-9, 2008), Petraeus blamed Tehran for his military set-backs:
General Petraeus: “President Ahmadinejad and other Iranian leaders promised to end their support for the special groups but the nefarious activities of the Quds Force have continued.”

Senator Joseph Lieberman: “Is it fair to say that the Iranian-backed special groups are responsible for the murder of hundreds of American soldiers and thousands of Iraqi soldiers and civilians?”
General Petraeus: “It certainly is…That is correct.”

There is no denying the fact that Tehran has maintained good relations with the US-appointed governments in both Kabul and Baghdad. It has donated billions of dollars for the reconstruction work through NGOs. Karzai and Maliki has visited Tehran more frequently than they have visted the White House.

US Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, who is currently visiting Turkey to seek the extension of 1,700 Turkish troops in Afghanistan – has urged Ankara to help the US to make sure that Islamic Republic doesn’t gain the capability to make nuclear weapons: “The mutual goal of Iran not achieving a nuclear-weapons capability, that we completely agree on, we just need to reinforce. Both countries need to do all we can to make sure that doesn’t happen.” Mullen avoided to discuss the issue of Israeli commandos killing nine Turkish aid workers on May 31, 2010 on board Free Gaza flotilla, calling it a ‘political issue’. However, he did pray for renewal of Turkish-Israeli friendship.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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