
Friday, 19 November 2010

Aoun: Reaction on STL Indictment to Be More Violent Because Hezbollah Innocent

18/11/2010 Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun on Wednesday in a meeting with the Diplomatic Press Association in Paris warned that the reaction on a possible Special Tribunal for Lebanon indictment against Hezbollah members in the 2005 murder of ex-PM Martyr Rafik Hariri will be “more violent because (Hezbollah) is innocent.”

"No one should play with fire. Those who consider themselves to be innocent might ignite a crisis that takes a military form," the FPM leader added.

The FPM leader also condemned the international investigation for focusing on Syria’s involvement alone, asking “why Israel has been left out of the investigation when it is the only country with a specialized unit in political assassinations?”

Aoun reiterated that he does not reject the authority of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, noting that he was "one of the first people to call for the setting up of the STL." However, Aoun said that "a bunch of false witnesses tried to change the probe's course."

In an interview with French television LCI on the sidelines of his visit to Paris earlier Wednesday, Aoun said that false witnesses manipulated the investigation and added: “Investigators have overlooked this course, which, in our opinion, would have enabled them of discovering the real criminals, and this thing had led us to question the tribunal’s transparency.”

The FPM leader stressed that "what brings us together with Hezbollah is more of an understanding rather than an alliance." "This understanding has contributed to stability in Lebanon, where many factors that could lead to strife exist," Aoun added.

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