
Thursday 4 November 2010

Hezbollah Condemns Ban’s Report: Israeli-US Landmarks Clear

03/11/2010 Hezbollah vehemently condemned on Wednesday UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's stance in his fourteenth report over resolution 1701, in which he held the Lebanese army the responsibility for the Oddaiseh incident.

In a statement released by Hezbollah media relations, the Resistance party said that Ban’s stance was completed biased for the Zionist enemy, adding that, however, it was not surprising from the part of the top UN official.

Hezbollah denounced, meanwhile, the UN and its Secretary General’s ignorance regarding the escalating Zionist crimes in Lebanon and Palestine, as well as the Zionist entity’s nuclear armament which takes place under a suspicious international silence.

Hezbollah condemned the continuous exploitation of the UN as a tool in the service of the US-Israel scheme through employees who care for nothing but pleasing their masters and thinking of their personal future regardless of the role they have to play to serve all nations.

The Resistance party concluded its statement by expressing belief that the report was written by the US hands with the Israeli ink, which is also not surprising. “This turns the UN to an organization which one cannot depend on after it became completely in the hands of those who seek to target our people and nation.”

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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