
Saturday 6 November 2010

How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less

Posted on November 6, 2010 by rehmat1|

The young American-Jewish cartoonist Sarah Glidden’s comic novel titled, How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less, is expected to be available at the bookstores this month.

She wrote the book after her fully-paid trip to the Occupied Palestine by Israel Hasbara (propaganda) agency, the Taglit-Birthright Israel, which is funded by the Israeli government and several racist Jewish individuals and organizations.

The concept behind the project is that a born-Jew, no matter which part of the world he/she lives and no matter whether he/she has Asiatic Khazarian or North African Berber or Low-caste Hindu blood-line – they all have the god-given right to settle in Israel on the land stolen from its Native Semite Muslims and Christians.

The Taglit-Birthright Israel provides a 10-day trip to Jews between the ages 18-25. The trip is used to brainwash the Diaspora (Jews living outside Occupied Palestine) with the Zionists’ distortion of the Bible and Middle East history.

Zionist-regime want to hide the myths based on which they occupied Palestine. The main aim of the Taglit-Birthright Israel is prepare a hard-core pro-Israel fifth column within the western world for the West to keep supporting the Zionist entity through taxpayers’ money and political backing at the international forums.

Sarah Glidden in a recent interview admitted:

“You grow up being told ‘Israel is your country, you can go there, you can live there, it’s for you. We have to support Israel, we have to plant a tree in Israel.’ No one ever told us about the conflict when we were kids. So then you get older and you find out about the conflict and it feels like its something that your family’s doing that you don’t like, like ‘This is my country?

But I don’t want them to do this! I don’t them to hurt people.

I don’t want anyone that I’m affiliated with to hurt anybody.’

When you try to put it in the context of self-defense, or the reasons why Israel would do these things, it just got so complicated and so upsetting that I just almost had to ignore it and just kind of read the paper, but not think about it.”

Before Sarah took the trip, she, like most of Jewish youth in the West, thought she knew all about Isreal (as told by parents and Jewish-owned mainstream media).

However, when she was given the government guided tour of Tel Aviv (famous for it 280 Jewish brothels), Jerusalem, Masada, the Golan Heights and other famous Arab towns occupied by the alien Jewish settlers – her preconceived notions about Israel (the so-called ‘only democracy’ in the Middle East and Jewish religious tolerance toward non-Jewish citizens) were shattered.

Sarah learned the real ugly face of Zionism when she took the non-chaperoned trip into the West Bank (though ruled by USrael’s favorite Mahmoud Abbas). That’s where she started to question first her political beliefs and, ultimately, her own sense of identity – that’s to understand Israel, she first have to understand herself as a true Jew.

Sarah in an interview with ‘The Faster Times’ (November 3, 2010), Said:

“When I got older and started paying attention to the news more and I learned more about what was going on in Israel it felt really personal. Whenever I would hear about something that the Israeli government did that was oppressive or violent towards the Palestinians, I felt like I was partly responsible. I was a really sensitive kid and I turned into a sensitive adult and it really upset me to hear about everything that was going on over there. Violence and exploitation anywhere get to me. But with Israel I felt really torn because I was angry at the country for being part of the problem but I simultaneously wanted to defend it when people started talking about what it was doing wrong. I talk about this in the book, but Israel to an American Jew is like family. You are born into your connection to it and sometimes you get really pissed off at it, but when other people start attacking it you take it personally.

“Don’t you say that about my uncle! You have no idea what he’s been through!”
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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