The Vancouver-based ADBUSTERs magagine in its November/December 2010 issue posted photos of Warsaw ghetto with photos of Gaza Strip in a photo essay. Under the photos the magazine wrote: “A walled off ghetto, an occupying military that controls the entry of food and daily necessities, desperate attempts by hungry civilians to smuggle commodities through tunnels, and punitive collective punishment against all those who resist … there are never-to-be-forgotten differences, of course, but also some striking similarities between the Warsaw ghetto in Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II and the open air prison of Gaza in Israeli-occupied Palestine today”.
The comparison of the Jewish victims of Judeo-Christian Nazi-regime with Muslim-Christian victims of the Jewish-regime – was beyond the ‘freedom of speech’ for the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) to digest.
The CJC has accused the magazine of anti-Semitism and urged its members and the Goyim supporters to complain to stores that sold it. As a result, Canada’s largest pharmaceutical chain, the Shoppers Drug Mart’ has remove 3,500 copies of the controversial issue of the ADBUSTERS magazine from its outlets across the country.
I wonder if anyone of CJC leaders has read Chaim Kaplan, who kept a diary during the Warsaw ghetto uprising, in which he wrote: “Every nation, in its time of misfortune, has conspirators who do their work in secret. In our case an entire nation has been raised on conspiracy. With others the conspiracy is political; with us it is religious and national”.
Canadian writer and author, Greg Felton, has this to say on this subject:
“Nobody expected the CJC to like the article. Nobody should care because a constitutionally guaranteed right to free expression does not depend on the political machinations of a pressure group. Sounds highly undemocratic. Sounds, well, fascist, doesn’t it?”
If Adbusters can be persecuted and smeared for dissenting from official Zionist dogma, what does that say about the state of Canada?
The CJC, like all zionist organizations, needs to sabotage any and all rational, open discussion of Israel, and to do that it must undermine the rule of law and constitutional freedoms. Yet, as is often the case, the CJC has done more to enhance Adbusters reputation than harm it.
Speaking of reputations, Canadian organizers of the Boycott Divest Sanction movement are now considering adding Shoppers Drug Mart to its list of businesses to be boycotted. That, and being caught lying about its role in the CJC’s censorship, can’t be good for business.
Ironically, the article that caused all the fuss was relatively innocuous, and given Adbusters relatively small circulation and readership demographic, it’s doubtful that anyone in the general public would have paid much attention.
To give an idea how inane the attack on Adbusters is, Dr. Norman Finkelstein has for the last 23 months featured on his website 84 pairs of photos that depict the horrific parallel between Nazi and zionist fascism. Thanks to the CJC, The Canadian Charger has the perfect reason to share it with its readers.
The Adbusters episode should be kept alive as long as possible to make the Israeli lobby as uncomfortable as possible and to remind us to ask ourselves: “Why do companies and governments so readily capitulate to the Israel lobby’s dictates?”
In Ottawa recently, pressure from B’nai Brith compelled the RCMP, our national police force to reconsider its decision to join the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) at an Ottawa conference. Zionists routinely defame the CIC as extremist, but that doesn’t mean the RCMP should take its orders from them.
A bully only has as much power as his victim is willing to give him. When a victim stands and fights, the bully will often back down because all bullies are cowards.”
River to SeaThe comparison of the Jewish victims of Judeo-Christian Nazi-regime with Muslim-Christian victims of the Jewish-regime – was beyond the ‘freedom of speech’ for the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) to digest.
The CJC has accused the magazine of anti-Semitism and urged its members and the Goyim supporters to complain to stores that sold it. As a result, Canada’s largest pharmaceutical chain, the Shoppers Drug Mart’ has remove 3,500 copies of the controversial issue of the ADBUSTERS magazine from its outlets across the country.
I wonder if anyone of CJC leaders has read Chaim Kaplan, who kept a diary during the Warsaw ghetto uprising, in which he wrote: “Every nation, in its time of misfortune, has conspirators who do their work in secret. In our case an entire nation has been raised on conspiracy. With others the conspiracy is political; with us it is religious and national”.
Canadian writer and author, Greg Felton, has this to say on this subject:
“Nobody expected the CJC to like the article. Nobody should care because a constitutionally guaranteed right to free expression does not depend on the political machinations of a pressure group. Sounds highly undemocratic. Sounds, well, fascist, doesn’t it?”
If Adbusters can be persecuted and smeared for dissenting from official Zionist dogma, what does that say about the state of Canada?
The CJC, like all zionist organizations, needs to sabotage any and all rational, open discussion of Israel, and to do that it must undermine the rule of law and constitutional freedoms. Yet, as is often the case, the CJC has done more to enhance Adbusters reputation than harm it.
Speaking of reputations, Canadian organizers of the Boycott Divest Sanction movement are now considering adding Shoppers Drug Mart to its list of businesses to be boycotted. That, and being caught lying about its role in the CJC’s censorship, can’t be good for business.
Ironically, the article that caused all the fuss was relatively innocuous, and given Adbusters relatively small circulation and readership demographic, it’s doubtful that anyone in the general public would have paid much attention.
To give an idea how inane the attack on Adbusters is, Dr. Norman Finkelstein has for the last 23 months featured on his website 84 pairs of photos that depict the horrific parallel between Nazi and zionist fascism. Thanks to the CJC, The Canadian Charger has the perfect reason to share it with its readers.
The Adbusters episode should be kept alive as long as possible to make the Israeli lobby as uncomfortable as possible and to remind us to ask ourselves: “Why do companies and governments so readily capitulate to the Israel lobby’s dictates?”
In Ottawa recently, pressure from B’nai Brith compelled the RCMP, our national police force to reconsider its decision to join the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) at an Ottawa conference. Zionists routinely defame the CIC as extremist, but that doesn’t mean the RCMP should take its orders from them.
A bully only has as much power as his victim is willing to give him. When a victim stands and fights, the bully will often back down because all bullies are cowards.”
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