
Saturday, 27 November 2010

While Hariri seeks Tehran's "support", Egypt's FM says Iran should "bud out"...


"..."We say to our brothers in Iran ... Iraq must be left alone and Lebanon must be left alone. And Iran should not intrude in Bahrain in any way," said Abul Gheit.
"The security of Gulf countries comes first, and Egypt gives it much of its attention," said the minister, who accompanied President Hosni Mubarak on a Doha visit which ended on Thursday.
Abul Gheit also called for a diplomatic solution between Iran and the international community on its nuclear programme which has raised concern in the West and among some Arab countries.
"Egypt is aware and knows that Iran has a problem with the Western world," he said. "The settlement of Western-Iranian problems must be achieved via diplomatic and political means, away from military action and war."...."
Posted by G, Z, or B at 6:51 PM

Hariri seeks Iran's support

"...In an interview on the eve of the visit, Hariri said Iran could play a role in maintaining stability in Lebanon and the region. “Iran is involved in all efforts to ensure the components of stability in all regional states, including Lebanon,” Hariri said in an interview with the Iranian news agency IRNA published Friday....
“The Islamic Republic’s role in the region is a natural role emanating from the historic, political, economic weight of a state of this size in the Arab neighborhood,” Hariri said.
He added that he did not accuse Hizbullah of involvement in his father’s assassination. Referring to a recent Canadian TV documentary implicating Hizbullah in the assassination, Hariri said, “We have said clearly that [media leaks on the indictment]do not serve justice.”
“Lebanon is facing many dangers. We all have to consider that national unity and stability should not be shaken by anyone whatever the reasons or the circumstances are. We are destined to live together on our beloved country,” he said.
In addition to the Lebanese crisis over the indictment, Hariri is expected to discuss in meetings with Ahmadinejad and other senior Iranian officials the stalled Middle East peace process and the situation in Iraq. During the visit, ministers from both countries are expected to sign cooperation agreements. ..."
Posted by G, Z, or B at 6:45 PM

"..Sa'ad Hariri has been the darling of the AIPAC/Israel/Bush Administration collegium.."

"Now this/ (the links below) are amusing.  Sa'ad Hariri has been the darling of the AIPAC/Israel/Bush Administration collegium.  He has been described for years in those circles as a potential "savior" of Lebanon from the Hizbullah/Iran/Syrian forces that lurk in the background.
Now, apparently, the realities of life and politics in the eastern Mediterranean have penetrated his Saudi money filled head. 
Lebanon is once again on the brink of attack based in Israeli rage and frustration.  Hariri was supposed to know that he had been bought, not rented, but alas, his Saudi mentors have probably told him to go make peace with the Iranians.
So much for the AIPAC/Israeli belief that the Saudis are the implacable enemies of Iran.
Oh yes, let us not forget that in this speech he described Israel as the greatest threat in the region...."
Posted by G, Z, or B at 7:05 PM
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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