
Wednesday 6 April 2011

Of Trojan Horses, Libertarian Traps and Blueprints for a Judeo-centric NWO

By exilem

Celente is a somewhat likable character.

Aside a bit stuck in the 1980s, he seems to be a follower of the Libertarian & Tea Party drift, which is a trap set up by the same Corporate and Mega-Billionaires rulers.

Their goal is a total aggravation of the current state of concentration of power and capital. To that effect they have engaged the deconstruction of the concept of state/government, through the total revocation of every sense of public service, social program (including education), common interests, environmental regulation, regulatory safeguards and so on.

Instead of a union of "citizens" constituting a society equipped with rights and correlative fiscal obligations in exchange of common and social services managed by the state apparatus (a system by now totally dysfunctional because of corruption), we will have disjointed “individuals" degraded to fight for even the most elementary aspect of their own survival. The former citizenry, now mere “indivuduals” will be deprived of regulatory protection, deprived of any form of rights or entitlement, deprived of the civilizatory social fabric. In essence this represents a regression toward a medieval (feudal) enslavement of the large majority of the (western) populations. The masses of “individuals” placed under the oppressive boot of a very tiny few of own-it-all families. That means a few families above the law, with pharaonic wealth, whose sheer existence and mode of life requires millions and millions of other humans to live short and very miserable lives. Families best described as a tiny group of deranged psychopaths. These criminals have already caused the abysmal current situation, yet their identity and whereabouts are still known to a certain extend -as of now. They obviously have concocted this plan as a way to achieve their sociopathic aim of totalitarian power seizure.

Disturbingly: The current situation of genocidal wars and total social deconstruction is not an opinion, but a matter-of-fact. The seizure of power (governments and parliaments) and capital (financial institutions) as well as the communication organs of the 2 former (medias), by the malevolent Judeo-centric networks is also not any more a matter of discussion, but a matter-of-fact, irrespective of all the ubiquitous attempts to deny it and obfuscate this reality.

This alarming reality was created through surreptitious means such as massive corruption and physical threats. Equally surreptitious means, this time mainly deception, are now at work to open the gates to this scheme of absolute power through deconstruction of state and social fabric. Aside from some fake stance as "stop the wars", the Trojan Horse is mainly the "no-taxes" stance and the “government is out of control” stance.

Where Celente fits in this picture, is when he yells around "stop paying taxes", whilst he is fully aware that this will never work because -as some assert in astute comments above, every person who stops paying taxes will be the victim of crushing consequences since the "state" has been deliberately downgraded to be a mad dog.

Instead of shouting "grow up" and basically inviting his listeners to jump to their self-destruction by stopping to pay their taxes, he should have shouted to "grow a spine" and harangue his listeners to engage in their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to topple the government (including Congress) on the grounds that this government and Congress are committing high crimes and treason. As a little reminder, it is also the CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to "a few good men" in the US military, to contribute to the same aim for the same reason.

Again: the "stop paying taxes" movement is a deceptive trick to trap delusional people (most of them with good intentions) into becoming targets themselves, instead of themselves targeting the corrupted government, corporations, and the sinister articulation between them, namely the malevolent Judeo-Centric networks.

More disturbingly, all these facts on the ground, fit 100 percent and without any variation, into something that has been discredited as a “fabrication” or a “counterfeit”. I am talking of the psychopathic and hateful doctrine as presented in the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”.

Yet these Jewish “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, are like a blueprint with 100 percent accuracy for our abysmal and factual current situation.

In conclusion: we do know the identity of the mostly Jewish perpetrators and their non-Jewish collaborators; we have by now the irrefutable hard facts authenticating methods and aims as published in the “Protocols” blueprint; and last but not least, we have worldwide an abysmal situation that invariably points toward a catastrophe for mankind, of unprecedented level. Actually, the catastrophe has begun: wars, environmental disasters etc. Fukushima, the rivers of blood from heinous wars in the Middle-East and Africa, the Gulf of Mexico/Corexit debacle, depleted uranium, collapsed economies, incompetence to tackle the problems, the population dumbed down, social unrest, the manufactured come-back of racism and hunger, etc etc etc

As long as we don't brake certain taboos, and name and blame the real criminals, we won't be stopping them from the unconscionable destruction they are engaging in.

Not paying taxes, or writing to your Congressmen and typing a few futile posts online, won't change anything.

Those who acquired illegitimately privileges, will NEVER ever abandon their privileges, unless forced. to.

The only suggestion Celente could have credibly shouted at his audience would have been:

Grow a spine and REVOLT, name the criminals, point them out, have no fear, do not believe their lies, brake the taboo, go for them, kick them out of their bloody thrones, do your Constitutional Duty and REVOLT

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