
Tuesday 26 April 2011

PPS declares 2010-2011 worst medical period yet

[ 26/04/2011 - 02:49 PM ]

JENIN, (PIC)-- A fresh statement by the Palestinian Prisoner Society declares 2010 and the first quarter of 2011 the worst yet in terms of the Israeli prison authority's medical neglect of Palestinian detainees.

Around 20 of those prisoners have been diagnosed with cancer, around 88 with diabetes and another 25 have had kidney failures.

Additionally, some 20 prisones have motor disabilities, and there are currently ten who live permanently in the Ramle hospital. They include three who suffer partial paralysis.

The PPS highlighted the recent death of prisoner Saytan al-Wali of Golan Heights, 45. He suffered from a kidney tumor that required an immediate prison release in order to get treatment. But the Israeli prison authority failed to respond.

The statement says that Palestinians held in Israeli occupation prisons are suffering from various illnesses, but all have not received proper health care because of the prison system's policy of medical neglect.

Delays in providing suitable medication and the correct amount are normal for the Israeli occupation authorities, said PPS chairman Raghib Abu Diak, adding that the medical neglect also includes not performing surgery at the needed time and not providing specialists for the varied illnesses of those held in the prison.

Abu Diak pointed out a shortage of doctors and the Israeli government's disregard of prisoner rights by choosing whoever they see fit as a doctor, as the prison medical staff has been unable to diagnose some of the diseases.

He emphasized the need for prisoners to receive regular check-ups, especially those who have previously been ill.

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