
Thursday 14 April 2011

'..Singled out because of pro-Israel views ...'


"... The blogger, Maikel Nabil, 25, had assailed the Egyptian armed forces for what he called its continuation of the corruption and anti-democratic practices of Mr. Mubarak.
Mr. Nabil often quoted from reports by established human rights groups. “Maikel is the first prisoner of conscience in Egypt after the revolution,” Adel Ramadan, one of his lawyers, said in a telephone interview. .... 
Mr. Nabil has the unusual political position in Egypt of being a pacifist as well as a champion of Israel ...  Mona Seif, a rights advocate, said Mr. Nabil may have been singled out as an easy target, partly because of his pro-Israel views..."
Posted by G, M, Z, or B at 11:45 AM
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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